Payment Staging Records

The Payment Staging Records zone lists the staging records of the payment data file. This zone contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
View On clicking the View (The View Icon) icon, you can view the payment upload staging details.
External Source ID Displays the external source ID which is associated with the tender source.
External Reference ID Displays the external reference ID which is associated with the tender source.
External Transmission ID Displays the external transmission ID which is associated with the tender source.
External Batch ID Displays the batch of payments in a transmission.
Payee Account ID Indicates the account for which the payment is made.
Match Type Indicates the match type using which the payment is matched.
Match Value Indicates the entity (such as bill, contract, and so on) against which the payment is matched.
Payment Amount Displays the amount paid through the tender source.

By default, the Payment Staging Records zone does not appear in the Payment Upload screen. It appears when you click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the payment data record in the Payment Data Records zone.

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