Viewing the Errors of a Payment Data Record

The system allows you to view the reasons why the payment record in a payment data file is in the Error or Invalid status.


To view the errors of a payment data record:

  1. Search for the payment data file in the Payment Upload screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the payment data file whose payment records are in the Error or Invalid status.
    The Payment Data Records and Payment Data File Log zones appear.
  3. In the Payment Data Records zone, click the View (The View Icon) icon in the Message column corresponding to the payment record which is in the Error or Invalid status.
    The Error Messages window appears.
  4. View the error messages of the payment data record in the Error Messages window.

    The error messages window lists the reasons why the payment data record is in the Error or Invalid status. If the payment record is in the Invalid status, you need to correct or add the missing information in the CSV file and then re-upload the CSV file once again. Unless, a payment data file has no invalid records, you cannot move any record of the payment data file to staging area.

    The View icon appears when the payment data record is in the Error or Invalid status.

  5. Click OK.

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