When you want to access ATG Merchandising, you select a task in an ATG Merchandising project. If an appropriate project doesn’t exist already, you can create a new one by selecting a workflow. A workflow is a template for a project that determines the tasks available in the project, the order in which they are executed, and the actions used to advance from one task to the next.

In order to work with commerce assets, you must create projects based on one of two workflows in the ATG Business Control Center Operations list beneath the Merchandising menu selection. The Manage Commerce Assets workflow provides access to all parts of ATG Merchandising used for creating, modifying, organizing, and deleting commerce assets. The tasks in this workflow are identical to those in Administer Commerce Search, the second workflow provided out-of-the-box, the difference being the assets and views visible in each. Administer Commerce Search provides tools used by administrators who are tasked with configuring ATG Search with ATG Merchandising. To learn more about administrative tasks, see Administering Search Merchandising.

For instructions on creating projects, see the Creatingand Managing Projects chapter of the ATG Content Administration Guide for Business Users.

You can learn more about workflows by reading Configuring Workflows.

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