After you create your search configuration tree, you may need to alter the order of the search configurations and search configuration folders it contains. You can move the position of an asset in its given level, but you can’t move, for example, a search configuration folder from the top-level of the tree to the second level. If you want to move an asset in this way, it’s best to redefine the asset, if you want to replace it with a different asset, or delete it.

Within a search configuration folder, search configurations and search configuration folders are grouped and managed separately, and when they are on the same level, search configurations always appear above search configuration folders. The out-of-the-box settings permit any user to create and modify search configurations from any Merchandising project. Only administrators can create and move search configuration folders, using a project based on the Administer Commerce Search workflow.

The ordering of the assets in the tree is significant because it reflects the order ATG Search uses to locate the search configuration appropriate for each site visitor. For that reason, you can’t move a search configuration or search configuration folder when its dimension value is All Others: it must be last. For more information about the capabilities and restrictions of the tree, see Structuring the Search Configuration Tree.

To reorder the search configurations or search configuration folders on a particular level:

  1. In Search Configurations Tree view of the Browse tab, click the name of the search configuration folder that holds the assets you want to reposition. See Locating Assets for information on this view.

    The Details pane contains properties about the search configuration folder, including a table you can use to reposition its nested assets.

  2. In the Details pane, find the table containing the type of asset – search configurations or folders – that you want to reposition. Beside each asset is the number that represents its order in the tree. Provide a new number beside the asset you want to move.

    Note: Specifying 1 gives an asset the first position and moves the asset currently in the first position to the second.

  3. To preview the order, click Reorder.

    The order of assets shifts in the Details pane table.

  4. Click Save to save the new order.

    The assets in the tree display in the new order you provided.

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