Before you create your tree hierarchy, familiarize yourself with the architectural options available to you by reading Structuring the Search Configuration Tree. Search configuration folders serve to organize your search configurations into logical groupings. Like search configurations, search configuration folders have dimension types and dimension values that control access to the items they contain. Site visitors must be identified as German “speakers” in order for their search results to be influenced by a search configuration nested in a search configuration folder with a language dimension value of German.

Only administrators can move search configuration folders. For instructions, see Moving Search Configurations and Search Configuration Folders.

Creating Search Configuration Folders

A tree can have only one asset at the root. Unless you find that you need only one search configuration, that root asset must be a search configuration folder that will hold other search configuration folders and/or search configurations. To create a search configuration folder:

  1. From the Project tab or the Search Configuration Tree view of the Browse tab, click Create New, and from the dropdown list that displays, click Search Configuration Folder. To learn how to access these views, see Locating Assets.

    The Details pane displays empty text boxes you fill in with information about the dimension tree folder.

  2. In the Name text box, provide a name to the search configuration folder. Choosing a name that represents the dimension associated with the folder will distinguish it from others.

  3. If this is not the top-level search configuration folder (which would also be the first search configuration folder you create), you can see a dropdown list named for the type of dimension held by this folder: Segment or Language. Select the appropriate dimension. The option All Others indicates that the search configurations in the search configuration folder are used only when a site visitor’s language isn’t represented by an existing search configuration or search configuration folder.

    Note: If you don’t see an option in the list, it may be in use by another resource; a dimension value can be used just once in a given level. Additional languages and segments may be added by your site administrator.

  4. From the Contents Vary By dropdown list, select a dimension type. All items contained by this search configuration folder will need to provide unique values for the dimension type you select. Only one dimension type appears in the list if the folder you are creating is not the root folder.

  5. Click Create.

    The search configuration folder displays in the Navigation pane tree.

Deleting Search Configuration Folders

When you delete a search configuration folder, you delete all search configuration folders and search configurations it contains. For deletion instructions, see Deleting Assets.

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