The following table describes the properties provided out-of-the-box by ATG Merchandising to all users, regardless of type of catalog or commerce product you use:

Property and Location


Auxiliary Media

In the Media tab for Categories, Products, SKUs, and Configurable SKUs

Lists auxiliary media as a mapping between a media asset and a label that identifies its purpose, such as “sale image.” Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Associate an auxiliary media asset to the selected asset by clicking Select to open the Select an Item dialog box. Navigate to the auxiliary media asset, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK. Provide the catalog ID in the Key column.

- Create a new media asset that will display as auxiliary media for the selected asset by clicking Add New, selecting a media type from the Select Asset Sub-Type dropdown list, entering a label for media asset’s usage in the Key text box, and clicking Next. The Details pane displays with empty media properties that you should fill in as described in Creating Media Assets and Folders.

- Disassociate an auxiliary media asset from the selected asset by clicking the Delete button beside the media asset.


In the Basics tab for SKUs and Configurable SKUs

Lists the SKUs links that are part of a SKU bundle. A SKU bundle is a virtual SKU that is composed of several other SKUs. Bundles allow the product catalog to offer a SKU that can be purchased as a single item, although it is treated as multiple items in fulfillment. Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Replace one SKU link with another by locating the SKU in the table and clicking the Edit button beside it in order to open the Select an Item dialog box. Navigate to the SKU replacement, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Rearrange the position of a SKU link in a bundle by changing the number beside it. To preview the new order, click Reorder.

- Remove a SKU link from the bundle by clicking the Delete button beside the SKU link.

- Add an existing SKU link to the bundle by clicking Add Existing to open the Select an Item Dialog box. Locate all SKUs by clicking Find. Navigate to the SKU you want to add, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Create a SKU link that will be a link in a bundle by clicking Add New. The Details pane displays with empty SKU properties that you should fill in as described in Creating SKUs and Configurable SKUs.

Child Categories (group)

In the Basics tab for categories

Holds the content group comprised of categories listed in the Dynamic Child Category property. Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Add or replace a content group by clicking the Edit button to open the Select an Item dialog box. Search for the content group, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Remove a content group by clicking the Delete button.

Child Products (group)

In the Products tab for categories

Holds the content group comprised of categories listed in the Dynamic Child Products property. Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Add or replace a content group by clicking the Edit button to open the Select an Item dialog box. Search for the content group, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Remove a content group by clicking the Delete button.


In the Basics tab for Configurable SKUs

Lists the names used to characterize a group of subSKUs. Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Replace one configurable SKU property with another by locating the property in the table and clicking the Edit button beside it in order to open the Select an Item dialog box. Navigate to the replacement, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Rearrange the position of a configurable SKU property in the list by changing the number beside it. To preview the new order, click Reorder.

- Remove a configurable SKU property from the list by clicking the Delete button beside the configurable SKU.

- Add an existing configurable SKU property to the list by clicking Add Existing to open the Select an Item dialog box. Locate all configurable SKU properties by clicking Find. Navigate to the configurable SKU property , click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Create a configurable SKU property that will be added to the configurable properties list for the selected configurable by clicking Add New. The Details pane displays with empty SKU properties that you should fill in as described in Creating SKUs and Configurable SKUs.

Configurable Options

In the Basics tab for Configurable Properties

Holds the individual items that can be linked to existing SKUs. Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Replace one configurable option with another by clicking the Edit button beside the option you want to replace, which opens the Select an Item dialog box. Locate all configurable options by clicking Find. Locate the replacement configurable option, click the radio button beside it, and click OK.

- Rearrange the position of a configurable option in the list by changing the number beside it. To preview the new order, click Reorder.

- Remove a configurable option from the list by clicking the Delete button beside the configurable property.

- Add a configurable option to the list by clicking Add Existing to open the Select an Item dialog box. Locate all configurable options by clicking Find. Locate the replacement configurable option, click the radio button beside it, and click OK.

- Create a configurable option that will be added to the list by clicking Add New. The Details pane holds properties that you fill in to define the configurable option. See Creating Configuration Options for instructions.


In the Basics tab for Media-Internal-Binary Assets

Holds the uploaded file represented by the Media-internal-binary asset. To upload a file, enter the file name and path manually, or click the Browse button to open the Select Item dialog box. Navigate to the binary file, select it, then click Open.


In the Basics tab for Media-Internal-Text Assets

Holds the text you want to associate with the media asset.

Default Parent

In the Basics tab for Categories and Products

Holds the name of the asset that contains the selected asset. If a parent isn’t specified, the asset is an orphan, visible from Catalog Orphans view, not Catalog view. Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Add or replace an existing parent, by clicking the Edit button to open the Select an Item dialog box. Navigate to the asset, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Remove an existing parent, click the Clear button.

- Create a category that will be a parent to the selected category, by clicking Create. The Details pane displays with empty category properties that you should fill in as described in Creating Categories.


In the Basics tab for Media Assets, Media Folders, Catalog Folders, Categories, Products, SKUs, Configurable SKUs, SKU Links, Configurable Properties, and Configurable Options

Holds a description for the selected asset.

Displayable SKU Attributes

In the Basics tab for products

Holds the names of the SKU properties that you can make visible on your Web site. Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Rearrange the position of an attribute in the list by changing the number beside it. To preview the new order, click Reorder.

- Remove an attribute by clicking the Delete button beside it.

-Add a new attribute by clicking Add Existing, which adds a row in the table. Enter the new attribute in the row.


In the Basics tab for SKUs and Configurable SKUs

Lists properties created on the fly for a given SKU. Use buttons beside this property to:

- Add a dynamic attribute by clicking Add. In the Key text box, enter a property name, and in the Value text box, enter a value for the property.

- Remove a dynamic attribute by the Delete button beside it.


In the Basics tab for Media Folders, Categories, Products, SKUs, Configurable SKUs, and SKU Links

Holds an end date and time. This property is used in conjunction with the Start Date property to provide the date range during which the selected asset is active on the Web site. In order for these dates to be used, you need to implement the StartAndEndDate collection filter.


In the Basics tab for SKUs and Configurable SKUs

Holds the fulfillment component used during the fulfillment process.


In the Basics tab for SKU Links

Holds the SKU name. Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Supply a SKU by clicking the Edit button, which opens the Select an Item dialog box. Locate a SKU, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK .

- Remove a SKU by clicking the Clear button.


In the Basics tab for Categories and Products

Lists keywords used when searching for the selected product in ATG Merchandising or on your Web site. Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Rearrange the position of a keyword in the list by changing the number beside it. To preview the new order, click Reorder.

- Remove a keyword by clicking the Delete button beside it.

- Add a keyword, by clicking Add Existing to add a row to the table and entering a keyword in it.


In the Media tab for Categories, Products, SKUs, and Configurable SKUs

Holds the media asset representing the selected asset’s large image. Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Associate an existing media asset to the selected asset by clicking Select to open the Select an Item dialog box. Navigate to the media asset, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Create a media asset for the image that will be associated with the selected asset by clicking Add New, selecting the media asset type (typically media-external or media-internal-binary), and then clicking Next. The Details pane displays with empty media asset properties that you should fill in as described in Creating Media Assets and Folders.

- Modify the associated media asset’s properties by clicking Edit Media to display the asset’s properties in the Details pane. See Modifying and Previewing the Properties of Assets in a Catalog for editing instructions.

- Disassociate a media asset from the selected asset by clicking Clear Media.


In the Pricing tab for SKUs and Configurable SKUs

Holds the base price.


In the Basics tab for Categories and Products

Holds a detailed description of the selected asset. You might use this text box to hold the product copy that appears on the Web site.


In the Media tab for Promotions

Holds the media asset that represents the promotion. See the Large Image property for a detailed description.


In the Basics tab for Media Assets, Media Folders, Catalog Folders, Catalogs, Categories, Products, SKUs, Configurable SKUs, SKU Links, Configurable Properties, and Configurable Options

Holds the name of the selected asset.


In the Pricing tab for SKUs and Configurable SKUs

Indicates whether the sale price (true) or the list price (false) is used.

Parent Folder

In the Basics tab for Media Assets and Media Folders

Holds the name of the assets parent. Use the button beside this property to:

- Add or replace a parent by clicking the Edit button to open the Select an Item dialog box. Navigate to the asset parent you want to use, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Remove a parent by clicking the Clear button.


In the Basics tab for Configurable Options

Holds the price used for the SKU associated with the configurable option. If no price is provided here, the price supplied in the SKU is used.


In the Basics tab for Configurable Options

Holds the product represented by the configurable option. Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Add or replace a product by clicking the Edit button to open the Select an Item dialog box. Navigate to the product you want to use, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Remove a product by clicking the Clear button.


In the Basics tab for SKU Links

Holds the quantity of SKUs to include in the bundled link.

Related Categories (group)

In the Basics tab for categories

Holds the content group comprised of categories listed in the Dynamic Related Category property. Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Add or replace a content group by clicking the Edit button to open the Select an Item dialog box. Search for the content group, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Remove a content group by clicking the Delete button.

Related Products (group)

In the Cross-Sell tab for products

Holds the content group comprised of products listed in the Dynamic Related Product property. Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Add or replace a content group by clicking the Edit button to open the Select an Item dialog box. Search for the content group, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Remove a content group by clicking the Delete button.


In the Pricing tab for SKUs and Configurable SKUs

Holds the price used when the asset is on sale.


In the Basics tab for Configurable Options

Holds the SKU represented by the configurable option. Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Add or replace a SKU by clicking the Edit button to open the Select an Item dialog box. Navigate to the SKU you want to use, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Remove a SKU by clicking the Clear button.

- Create a SKU will be automatically associated with the configurable option by clicking Create. The Details pane displays with empty SKU properties that you should fill in as described in Creating SKUs and Configurable SKUs.


In the SKUs tab for Products

Lists the SKUs nested in the selected product. Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Replace one SKU with another by clicking the Edit button to open the Select an Item dialog box. Navigate to the SKU replacement, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Rearrange the position of a SKU in the product list by changing the number beside it. To preview the new order, click Reorder.

- Remove the SKU as a child of the product by clicking the Delete button beside it. If the selected product was the SKUs only parent, the SKU is an orphan visible in the Catalog Orphans view, not Catalog view.

- Move a SKU into the selected product by clicking Add Existing to open the Select an Item Dialog box. Navigate to the SKU, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Create a SKU that will be a child to the selected product by clicking Create. In the Details pane, select SKU or configurable SKU from the dropdown list, then click Next. The Details pane displays with empty SKU properties that you should fill in as described in Creating SKUs and Configurable SKUs.


In the Media tab for Categories, Products, SKUs, and Configurable SKUs

Holds the media asset that represents the large category image. See the LargeImage property for a detailed description.


In the Basics tab for Media Folders, Categories, Products, SKUs, Configurable SKUs, and SKU Links

Holds a start date and time. This property is used in conjunction with the End Date property to provide the date range during which the selected asset is active on the Web site. In order for these dates to be used, you need to implement the StartAndEndDate collection filter.


In the Basics tab for Categories, Products, SKUs, and Configurable SKUs

Holds the media asset that represents the JSP template used to display the selected asset on your Web site. Use the buttons beside this property to:

- Add or replace a template by clicking the Edit button to open the Select an Item dialog box. Navigate to the media asset you want to use, click the radio button beside it, and then click OK.

- Remove a template by clicking the Clear button .

- Create a media asset for your template that will be automatically associated with the selected asset by clicking Create, selecting the type of media asset (typically media-external), and then clicking Next. The Details pane displays with empty media asset properties that you should fill in as described in Creating Media Assets and Folders.


In the Media tab for Categories, Products, SKUs, and Configurable SKUs

Holds the media asset that represents the thumbnail category image. See the Large Image property for a detailed description.


In the Browse tab for Media-External Assets

Holds the URL that accesses the external file.


In the Pricing tab for SKUs and Configurable SKUs

Holds the wholesale price.

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