The following table contains all properties available for price lists. Keep in mind that your version of ATG Merchandising may display more or fewer properties, depending on how your site administrator configured your product.

Property Name


Base price list

Holds the price list from which the selected list inherits prices.

- Associate a base price list to the selected list, by clicking the Edit button. When the Select an Item dialog box opens, navigate to the price list, select it, then click OK.

- Disassociate a base price list from the selected list, by clicking the Delete button. When a base list is deleted, any prices from it that are inherited by other lists are removed from them.

- Create a new price list, by clicking the Create button. The Details pane displays with empty price list properties that you should fill in as described in Creating Price Lists and Price List Folders.

Creation Date

Holds the time and date on which the price list was created. This is a read-only text box, and ATG Merchandising provides a value to it automatically.


Holds a description for the price list.

End date

Holds an end date and time. This property is used in conjunction with the Start Date property to provide the date range during which the selected asset is active on the Web site. In order for these dates to be used, you need to implement the Start And End Date collection filter.


Holds the unique identifier for the price list. Price lists are identified by name, not ID in ATG Merchandising and ATG Control Center. This is a read-only text box, and ATG Merchandising provides a value to it automatically.

Last modified date

Holds the time and date on which the price list was edited. This is a read-only text box, and ATG Merchandising provides a value to it automatically.


Holds the locale used to determine the currency and symbol used by the prices in the price list. Note that when prices are displayed in browsers supporting other locales, prices are calculated based on the units in the Price List Pricing tab and currency that represents the locale you supply here.


Holds the name of the price list, which is used to identify it in ATG Merchandising and the ATG Control Center.

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