The Multi Edit tab is a temporary workspace that holds assets you want to modify in bulk. The tab label records the number of assets contained by the Multi Edit tab. The assets you add to it display in a list and, when you want to edit them, you select assets of the same type and use the appropriate button:

All multi edit operations require you to configure property groups, which are groups of properties available for modification at the same time. When you select a multi edit button, you also select a property group whose properties display in the Details pane. To learn how to create property groups, see the Creating and Defining Property Groups section of the Configuring the Asset Manager chapter in the ATG Business Control Center Administration and Development Guide.

The Multi Edit tab has another button, Remove Assets, that you use to remove selected assets from the tab. Note that assets remain on the tab until they are proactively removed using this button or the session ends. Assets that are added to the Multi Edit tab, but are not modified there or elsewhere won’t be visible in the Project tab or redeployed when you check the project in.

See Modifying Assets in Bulk for more information.

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