If you want to use ATG Merchandising with ATG Business Commerce, you need to create database tables that support the combination of these products, in addition to the tables that you create for core commerce. Run the b2bcommerce_versioned_ddl.sql in the following directory:


When installing tables on an evaluation copy of ATG Merchandising, the command takes this format. This command includes the default arguments used for a SOLID database:

<Atg2007.3dir>DAS\solid\i486-unknown-win32\solsql.exe "tcp 1313"
 publishing publishing <Atg2007.3dir>\B2BCommerce\Versioned\sql\

where <Atg2007.3dir> is the path to your ATG 2007.3 directory, 1313 is the port for your SOLID database, and publishing is the username and password used for the ATG Merchandising table space on SOLID.

The b2bcommerce_versioned_ddl.sql script executes one subscript, versioned_b2b_product_catalog_ddl.sql, which creates tables that hold extensions to the Business Commerce product with support for versioning. If necessary, you can run this subscript from the following directory:

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