Solutions can include images or other documents in any statement field of the solution. See the ATG Knowledge Guide for Business Users for more details. Under certain circumstances, you must configure ATG Knowledge and ATG Self Service so that they can locate these attachments correctly.

If you have any of the following ATG configurations, you must configure your servers before they can deploy attachments correctly:

  • if you are using a third party application server

  • if your ATG Content Administration server uses a context root for ATG Service applications other than /svc

  • if you have another J2EE application running on the same server with a context root of /svc

  • if you want to use a non-default location for attachments for any other reason

Several steps in this procedure include URLs that begin with variables: hostname refers to the name of the machine running your application server and port refers to the port number that application server uses to listen for HTTP requests. For default port information, see the ATG Installation and Configuration Guidefor information on your application server.

To configure attachment settings on your ATG Self-Service server:

  1. Configure your ATG Self Service server so that the top-level directory for your documents and images (by default, /svc) is served from the local file system.

  2. Launch the ATG Service Administration tool (http://hostname:port/svc-admin). Go to Self Service > Global Settings. In the PublishingWebAgent content deployment URL field, enter the URL for your Self Service web site. For example, http://hostname:port/service.

  3. Ensure that the Site URL field contains the name of your site.

  4. Make sure your server can deploy to the /atg/epub/file/WWWFileSystem directory:

    Launch the BCC (http://hostname:port/atg/bcc).

    In the left-hand pane, go to Business Control Center > Admin Console > Configuration.

    Use the right-hand pane to select the name of your Self Service server. In the screen that appears, click on Agents.

    Below the Agent Name, make sure /atg/epub/file/WWWFileSystem appears in the Destinations area. If it does not appear, click on the agent name to add this directory to the list of Destinations and save changes.

  5. Use the ACC to open the /atg/svc/repository/service/util/

  6. Change the value of the documentRootFolder attribute from /svc/documents to the name of the directory you wish to use.

  7. Change the value of the imageRootFolder attribute from /svc/images to the name of the directory you wish to use.

  8. Open the /atg/svc/email/emailLandingPage component.

  9. Ensure the value of the EmailLandingPage attribute is main.jsp.

  10. Save the changes to the live state, and start the component.

    Note: In order for your changes to take affect, you need to re-assemble, redeploy, and restart your application. For application assembly instructions, see the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide.

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