ATG Self Service is configured with the scenario events shown in the following table, which can serve as triggers for scenario actions.

All of the following scenario events have the external user as the implied subject of the scenario.

Event Name

Event Description

Attributes Available from the Event Object

Views content

Fired from /atg/svc/repository/Service/
when a solution or document is viewed by a user in ATG Self Service.

Solution ID

Searches content

Fired from /atg/svc/ui/formhandlers/
when an Advanced Search is performed. (Regular searching triggers ATG Search events.)
You can turn this event on or off with the fireSearchMessage flag on the SearchFormHandler.
This event is not recorded by the AuditLogger; ATG Search handles the recording.

KnowledgeQueryContext object and results count

Browses topic

Fired from /atg/svc/search/SearchService when the topic tree is being browsed.
You can turn this event on or off with the fireBrowseSearchMessage flag on the SearchFormHandler.
This event is not recorded by the AuditLogger; ATG Search handles the recording.

KnowledgeQueryContext object and results count

Rates content

Fired from /atg/svc/ui/formhandlers/
when a user rates an answer.
You can turn this event on or off with the fireAnswerMessage flag on the RatingFormHandler.

Comment, Document ID, Document Type, IsContactingSupport, Rating Name, Email Address, Query ID

Rates query results

Fired from /atg/svc/ui/formhandlers/
when a user rates a result list.
You can turn this event on or off with the fireQueryResultsMessage flag on the RatingFormHandler.

Comment, Rating Name, Email Address, Query ID

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