Gift lists are lists of items selected by a site visitor. Gift lists can be used in two ways:

The gift list class package is Refer to the ATG Platform API Reference for more information on the associated classes and programming interfaces. The following scenarios demonstrate how gift lists can be used on a commerce site.

Example of Using a Gift List

The following scenario describes how a site customer can use a gift list while shopping on a store web site. John Smith logs onto the site and creates a list of gifts he would like to receive for his birthday. Mike, John’s friend, then visits the site and searches for “John Smith.” Mike can use advanced search criteria to refine his search by including a state, event name, or event type.

The store returns a list of gift lists found. Mike selects the correct list and views the items that John selected. Mike sees that John needs two new inner tubes for his bike. Mike can see that someone has already purchased one of the inner tubes. Mike decides to purchase the other inner tube for John and adds it to his cart. During the checkout process, Mike can send the item to his own address or send it directly to John. The gift list now reflects that two inner tubes have been purchased for John.

Example of Using a Wish List

The following scenario describes how a site customer uses a wish list while shopping on a store web site. A customer, Sally, browses the store and finds items she would like to purchase, but can not afford to buy right now. Sally can add the items to her private wish list and save the list. The next time she visits the site, she can view her wish list. She can buy the items by moving them to her shopping cart. The remaining items are saved in the wish list for later visits. A wish list is not searchable or visible by other customers of the store. It serves only as a holder of items the customer has found.

Gift List Functionality

The gift list functionality is broken down into the following sub-areas. Each of these sub-areas is described in detail later in this section.

  • Gift List Business Layer Classes: Business layer classes contain the logic for gift list creation and manipulation. These classes consist of a GiftlistManager and GiftlistTools.

  • Gift List Repository: The repository definition maps the Giftlists repository to database tables. The business layer classes access the gift lists through the repository layer.

  • Gift List Form Handlers and Gift List Servlet Beans: The form handlers and servlet beans provide an interface to the Giftlists repository. They provide the interface between the UI and the business layer classes to create and edit gift lists.

  • Purchase Process Extensions to Support Gift Lists: The purchase process has been extended to support purchasing gifts from published gift lists. This section describes the components that are used to support this functionality. For example, these components support adding an item from a gift list to a shopping cart and updating the Giftlists repository at checkout.

  • Extending Gift List Functionality: Gift list functionality provided in Oracle ATG Web Commerce supports most requirements of commerce sites. However, you can extend this functionality if needed. This section describes what steps to take if extending the system is necessary.

  • Disabling the Gift List Repository: Describes how to disable the Giftlists repository. Disable the repository if you are not going to use the gift list functionality.

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