You can extend the atg.service.pipeline API for customized behavior. An example of this was given in the Extending the PipelineChain and PipelineResult Classes topic of the Creating a Processor Pipeline section. The atg.service.pipeline API contains two interfaces that allow the objects in the system to be customized:

atg.service.pipeline.PipelineResult provides access to the pipeline execution error data.

atg.service.pipeline.PipelineProcessor is implemented by the processor components that the Pipeline Manager executes. Its main method is runProcess().

The following table summarizes the classes in the atg.service.pipeline package:




A global GenericService that controls the management of the pipelines and the execution of requests in the pipelines.


An object that contains data about a PipelineChain and a reference to the chain itself. This object is used internally in the PipelineManager.


An object that contains a PipelineLink to the first PipelineProcessor for a given chain. It also manages the execution and editing of the PipelineLinks.


An object that contains a reference to a PipelineProcessor and a mapping of return values to next processors. It is used by the PipelineChain to call the runProcess() method on the component and then get the reference to the next processor based on the return value.


An object that implements the PipelineResult interface. This is the default PipelineResult object created by the PipelineManager when a chain is executed if no other PipelineResult object is specified.


The base exception object extended by all exceptions thrown from methods in the atg.service.pipeline package.

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