Up to three orders are used for calculating the correct refund amount and exchange item prices. A Return Adjusted Order and a Return Calculation Order are generated for all returns. A Promotions Evaluation Order is generated when performing an exchange. Collectively, these orders are known as the working order:

Creation of Working Orders

The return process creates the working orders to calculate the proper refund amount. These orders are created by a cloning process. For example, the RAO is initially created by cloning the original order, the RCO is initially created by cloning the RAO, and the PEO is initially created by cloning the RCO.

The ReturnManager is configured with a CloneEditManager instance that performs the actual cloning:


Note: This CloneEditManager is configured for the sole purpose of creating the working order used within the returns process.

Working Order Pipelines

The following pipelines define the working order components:

Pipeline Chain



This chain is executed by the CloneEditManager to create the Return Adjustment Order.


This chain is executed by the CloneEditManager to create the Return Calculation Order.


This chain is executed by the CloneEditManager to create the Promotion Evaluation Order.

For additional information on cloning and the CloneEditManager, refer to the ATG Commerce Service Center Installation and Programming Guide.

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