The /atg/reporting/datacollection/userprofiling/SiteVisitManager Nucleus component listens for session start, session end and page view events. It accumulates information about a site visit in a session-scoped component called /atg/reporting/datacollection/userprofiling/SiteVisitRequest. When the session ends, the SiteVisitManager sends a JMS message. The siteVisit message has a JMS type of atg.dps.SiteVisit, and is an instance of the atg.userprofiling.dms.SiteVisitMessage class.

This message is received by the SiteVisitMessageSink, which calls the /atg/reporting/datacollection/userprofiling/SiteVisitQueue component. The SiteVisitQueue component calls the /atg/reporting/datacollection/userprofiling/SiteVisitFileLogger component, which adds an entry to the file.

The log file includes the following details for each visit:

The following is an example of the site visit log:

0385E85E9E8BC68D34354D132AFAB29C17000311/07/2006 14:38:46
11/07/2006 14:38:4601
65F444358B90D134E745E0E9859F397412000011/07/2006 14:35:27
11/07/2006 15:01:55158825

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