The Inventory Framework facilitates inventory querying and inventory management for your sites. Interaction with an inventory system is vital to the various stages of an electronic purchase. Many of the Oracle ATG Web Commerce components interact with the Inventory System.

This chapter contains information on the following topics:

Overview of the Inventory System
Includes a brief description of the Inventory System including what the system allows you to do and how to use it.

Inventory System Methods
Describes the methods of the Inventory Manager interface.

Inventory Classes
Describes the classes included in the inventory API.

InventoryManager Implementations
Describes the implementations of the InventoryManager included with Oracle ATG Web Commerce.

Examples of Using the Inventory Manager
Includes actual examples of using the Inventory Manager including canceling or removing an item from an order and displaying an item’s availability to a customer.

Handling Bundled SKUs in the Inventory
Describes how the inventory system handles a bundled into a collection of SKUs.

Inventory Repository
Describes the inventory repository included with Oracle ATG Web Commerce out of the box. The Inventory Repository stores stock levels, availability information, and other inventory data.

Inventory JMS Messages
Describes the Java Messaging Service messages used by the Inventory System to communicate.

Configuring the SQL Repository
Describes how to configure the SQL Repository for use with the Inventory System.

Inventory Repository Administration
Describes how to use the repository editor to administer the Inventory System.

Building a New InventoryManager
Describes how to replace the existing InventoryManager with one of your own. It describes the minimum requirements for implementation and the properties to set throughout inventory and fulfillment.

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