Pipelines in the ACC are edited in a way similar to the way scenarios are edited. You can perform the following editing functionality on editor nodes.

Overview of Pipeline Editor Interface

This section describes the icons in the pipeline editor.

This diagram described in surrounding text

The icon above represents the name of the pipeline chain. You can edit the properties of this node to set the chain’s name and transaction mode.

This diagram described in surrounding text

The icon above represents an individual link in a pipeline chain. You can edit the properties of this node to set the link’s name, transaction mode, processor mode, and processor name. Once you have specified the processor, the set of possible integer outcomes (as defined by the interface atg.service.pipeline.PipelineProcessor) are automatically represented as part of the node with separate execution paths.

This diagram described in preceding text

The icon above represents a link whose processor returns a special value. There are two predefined return codes with a special meaning: 0 (stop chain execution and commit) and –1 (stop chain execution and rollback). These are defined in atg.service.pipeline.PipelineProcessor.

This diagram described in surrounding text

The icon above represents a special link whose processor is an instance of atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcExecuteChain. This processor executes a subchain and returns.

This diagram described in surrounding text

The icon above represents a stop in the execution of this path.

This diagram described in surrounding text

The icon above represents a jump back to a prior link in the chain. You can edit the node to change the destination.

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