Reason codes identify a reason for the return and are comprised of descriptions and corresponding ID numbers. Agents select reason codes when performing a return. The selected reason code is stored within the record of the customer’s exchange or refund.

You can create customized return reason codes that work in your business environment by creating a /atg/commerce/csr/returns/ file in your customization directory and adding your new reason codes.

The return reason item descriptor uses the following two properties:

Once reason codes have been captured by the system, the system accesses the readableDescription property, which refers to the reason code identified in the ReasonDescriptionPropertyDescriptor property. This code accesses the description property and uses it as a key to look up the verbose description in the resource bundle, which is named in the resourceBundle attribute of the readableDescription property. The verbose string from the resource bundle will be the final text displayed.

There are six default return reason codes stored within the /atg/commerce/custsvc/CsrRepository: defective, didNotLike, didNotMeetExpectations, incorrectColor, incorrectItem and incorrectSize. To add a new reason code:

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