Installing and Configuring OpenStack in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: April 2015

Downloading the Image File

Use the following procedure to download a single image file that provides both the Oracle Solaris OS and OpenStack.

How to Download the Image File

  1. In an Internet browser, go to the Unified Archives download page.
  2. Read the license agreement and click the Accept button.
  3. Download the appropriate file for the type of installation you plan to perform.
    • Download the Unified Archive file for your system architecture.

      Use this file to perform one of the following types of installations:

      • Use this .uar file as an argument to the zoneadm install command to directly install a kernel zone.

      • Reference this .uar file in an AI install manifest to perform an AI install using an AI install service.

      • Use this .uar file to create AI bootable media.

    • Download the USB boot image file for your system architecture.

      Use this usb file to install the Unified Archive from bootable media.

  4. Verify the integrity of the downloaded file.

    Click the MD5 checksums link. Run the following digest command, and compare the output with the appropriate checksum from the checksums file:

    $ digest -a md5 file