Installing and Configuring OpenStack in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: April 2015

Modifying Flavor Specifications

To change flavor specifications, use the flavor-key subcommand to modify the extra_specs value.

nova flavor-key flavor action key=value [key=value ...]

The name or ID of the flavor.


set or unset


The key is the name of the spec. The value is the new value for that spec. If the action is unset, specify only the key.

$ nova flavor-key 4 set zonecfg:bootargs=-v
$ nova flavor-show 4
| Property                   | Value                                          |
| name                       | Oracle Solaris                                 |
|                            |  kernel zone - large                           |
| ram                        | 16384                                          |
| OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled   | False                                          |
| vcpus                      | 16                                             |
| extra_specs                | {u'zonecfg:brand':                             |
|                            |    u'solaris-kz', u'zonecfg:bootargs': u'-v'}  |
| swap                       |                                                |
| os-flavor-access:is_public | True                                           |
| rxtx_factor                | 1.0                                            |
| OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral  | 0                                              |
| disk                       | 40                                             |
| id                         | 4                                              |

The following properties are supported in both kernel zones and non-global zones:

  • zonecfg:bootargs

  • zonecfg:brand

  • zonecfg:hostid

The following properties are supported only in non-global zones:

  • zonecfg:file-mac-profile

  • zonecfg:fs-allowed

  • zonecfg:limitpriv

Other zone configuration properties are not supported in OpenStack. See the zonecfg (1M) man page for information about these zone configuration properties.

Use the sc_profile key to specify a system configuration profile:

$ nova flavor-key 4 set sc_profile=/system/volatile/profile/sc_profile.xml

The nova flavor-key command enables you to modify or add only extra_specs values. To modify other specifications of an existing flavor, such as the amount of RAM, you must delete the flavor and create a modified flavor with the same name. For information about deleting and creating flavors, see the OpenStack Admin User Guide.