Installing and Configuring OpenStack in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: April 2015

How to Configure the Network Node

  1. (Optional) Install and configure NTP.

    See Installing Network Time Protocol.

  2. Install the Neutron package.
    network# pkg install neutron
  3. Create SSH public keys on the Network node for the neutron and evsuser users.
    network# su - neutron \
    -c "ssh-keygen -N '' -f /var/lib/neutron/.ssh/id_rsa -t rsa"
    network# su - neutron \
    -c "ssh-keygen -N '' -f /var/lib/neutron/.ssh/id_rsa -t rsa" 
  4. Combine key files into the EVS authorized keys file.

    Combine the SSH public keys previously created from the Controller and Compute nodes with these two new keys and concatenate the combination to the authorized keys file for evsuser.

    network# cat \
    /path-to-neutron@controller/ \
    /path-to-root@compute1/ \
    /var/lib/neutron/.ssh/ \
    /var/user/evsuser/.ssh/ \
    >> /var/user/evsuser/.ssh/authorized_keys
  5. Copy the evsuser's SSH public key /var/user/evsuser/.ssh/ to each of the Compute node's and Network node's evsuser authorized_keys file.

    Refer to Figure 3–2 for an overview of the distribution of the evsuser's SSH public key in the context of the overall cloud configuration.

  6. Verify that SSH connectivity is working correctly.

    Use the ssh command to connect to the EVS controller, and answer yes when prompted for each connection. Perform this step on each node in the OpenStack architecture.

    controller# su - neutron -c "ssh evsuser@network-name whoami"
    compute1# su - root -c "ssh evsuser@network-name whoami"
    network# su - neutron -c "ssh evsuser@network-name whoami"
    network# su - root -c "ssh evsuser@network-name whoami"
  7. Install the EVS controller package.
    network# pkg install rad-evs-controller
  8. Restart RAD.
    network# svcadm restart rad:local
  9. Configure the EVS controller.

    Decide whether the virtual network on which the Nova instances will communicate is a VLAN or a VXLAN. The example below performs the following VLAN configuration:

    • A VLAN with an ID of 13 is configured for an external network that is used to connect outside the cloud.

    • The VLAN ID range of 1000-2000 is configured for subnets created by EVS.

    network# evsadm set-prop -p controller=ssh://evsuser@network-name
    network# evsadm
    network# evsadm set-controlprop -p l2-type=vlan
    network# evsadm set-controlprop -p uplink-port=net1
    network# evsadm set-controlprop -p vlan-range=13,1000-2000
  10. Configure authentication parameters and the location of the RabbitMQ service.

    Uncomment and set the following parameters in the /etc/neutron/neutron.conf file. These parameters specify additional Keystone authentication service endpoints, the Glance API service, the Neutron API service, the RabbitMQ service, and the database URI for the database specific to Neutron.

    signing_dir = /var/lib/neutron/keystone-signing
    auth_host =
    auth_port = 35357
    auth_protocol = http
    auth_uri = http://controller-IP:5000/v2.0
    admin_tenant_name = service
    admin_user = neutron
    admin_password = neutron-password
    identity_uri = http://controller-IP:35357
    core_plugin = neutron.plugins.evs.plugin.EVSNeutronPluginV2
    allow_overlapping_ips = False
    quota_driver = neutron.plugins.evs.db.quotas_db.EVSDbQuotaDriver
  11. Configure the Neutron DHCP agent.

    Uncomment and set the following parameter in the /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini file to specify the location of the EVS controller.

    evs_controller = ssh://evsuser@network-name
  12. (Optional) Specify the default domain to use to resolve DNS requests by Nova instances.

    In the /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini file, uncomment and set the dhcp_domain parameter to the default domain to use to resolve DNS requests by Nova instances.

  13. Enable the DHCP agent.
    network# svcadm enable neutron-dhcp-agent
  14. Configure the Neutron L3 agent.

    This step is optional but strongly recommended.