Installing and Configuring OpenStack in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

Exit Print View

Updated: April 2015

How to Create an Internal Network

Perform these steps on the node where Neutron services are running, which in this case is the controller node.

  1. List the existing tenants.
    controller# keystone tenant-list

    The tenant list includes the tenants and their corresponding IDs. Select the ID of the tenant for which you will create the internal network.

  2. Create the network for the selected tenant.
    controller# neutron net-create --tenant-id tenant-ID network-name

    where tenant-ID is obtained from the tenant list in the previous step.

  3. Create the subnet for the same tenant.
    controller# neutron subnet-create --name subnet-name \
    --tenant-id tenant-ID network-name subnet-IP
Example 4-1  Creating the Internal Network

This example shows how to create the internal network for the tenant demo which was created by default by the sample Keystone script in The Sample Keystone Script.

controller# keystone tenant-list
|     id     |   name  | enabled |
| abcde12345 |   demo  |  True   |
| fghij67890 | service |  True   |

controller# neutron net-create --tenant-id abcde12345 demo_internal_net
Created a new network:
| Field                    | Value             |
| admin_state_up           | True              |
| id                       | 9999              |
| name                     | demo_internal_net |
| provider:network_type    | vlan              |
| provider:segmentation_id | 300               |
| router:external          | False             |
| shared                   | False             |
| status                   | ACTIVE            |
| subnets                  |                   |
| tenant_id                | abcde12345        |

controller# neutron subnet-create --name demo_int_subnet --tenant-id abcde12345 \
Created a new subnet:
|      Field       |                     Value                        |
| allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
| cidr             |                                   |
| dns_nameservers  |                                                  |
| enable_dhcp      | True                                             |
| gateway_ip       |                                      |
| host_routes      |                                                  |
| id               | 07f9b37c-ae4e-11e4-8000-db57d0041a2c             |
| ip_version       | 4                                                |
| name             | demo_int_subnet                                  |
| network_id       | 99999|                                           |
| tenant_id        | abcde12345                                       |