Installing and Configuring OpenStack in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: April 2015

VM Instance Installation and Configuration

The issues discussed in this section are specifically related to VM instances.

VM Instance Is in an Error State

One reason a VM instance can be in an error state is that you tried to install a VM instance that is a different architecture from the host system. In this case, you might not receive an error message that specifically indicates an architecture mismatch. To avoid this problem, make sure you correctly set the architecture property of the image when you upload the image to the glance image store. When you use Horizon to upload an image, you must set properties on the image after the upload. Alternatively, you can use the command line to upload the image and set property values in one glance image-create command. See Adding an Image to the Image Store for an example.

VM Instance Property Values Do Not Match Zone Property Values

Some of the information that OpenStack reports about a VM instance does not match the information that Solaris reports about the corresponding zone. Information displayed in Horizon or displayed by the nova command might not match information displayed by the zoneadm command or other Solaris commands.


The name of a VM instance as shown in Horizon or as shown by the nova list command is the name that you assigned when you created the instance, such as example-instance. The name of the zone shown by the zoneadm list command is similar to instance-00000001. Use the nova show command to determine which zone is associated with which VM instance. In the nova show output, the value of the OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name property is the name of the zone, and the value of the name property is the name of the VM instance.


The UUID of a VM instance as shown in Horizon or as shown by the nova show command does not match the UUID of the same zone as shown by the zoneadm list -p command. The UUID that the zoneadm command shows is a different identifier from the identifier used for Nova.


The number of VCPUs for a VM instance as shown in Horizon is the number of capped CPUs that are virtualized only to the extent of how many fractional CPUs can be used by the instance. This number does not provide observability inside the instance of what was capped. The psrinfo command reports the dedicated CPUs allocated to the zone.


The amount of memory for a VM instance as shown in Horizon might be different from the amount of memory that the prtconf command shows when you are logged into that VM instance. Horizon shows the amount of memory specified by the flavor used to create the VM instance. The prtconf command reports all of system memory.


The amount of storage for a VM instance as shown in Horizon might be different from the amount of storage shown when you are logged into that VM instance, unless the VM instance is a non-global zone using Zones on Shared Storage (ZOSS).

Dismantling Networks

If you encounter problems with configuring Neutron on the network node and might need to dismantle the configuration to start over, follow this procedure. Depending on which point you need to start undoing the configuration, follow the sequence as provided in the procedure.

How to Remove the Network Configuration on Neutron

  1. Perform this step on the Horizon dashboard.
    1. Disassociate all floating IP addresses.
    2. Remove all floating IP addresses.
  2. On a terminal window, type the following commands:
    # neutron router-gateway-clear router-id external-network-id
    # neutron router-interface-delete router-id subnet-id
    1. To remove the router gateway interface, type the following command:
      # neutron router-gateway-interface-delete router-id external-network-id
    2. To remove the remaining router interfaces, type the following command:
      # neutron router-interface-delete router-id subnet-id
  3. Perform the following on the Horizon dashboard.
    1. Terminate all VM instances.
    2. Delete the subnets.

      If problems occur while deleting subnets, refer to How to Remove Vports.

    3. Delete the network.

How to Remove Vports

Use this procedure if problems occur that prevent you from deleting subnets.

  1. Determine which vports are currently in use.
    # evsadm
  2. Reset the vports being used.
    # evsadm reset-vport vport
  3. Remove the vports.
    # evsadm delete-vport vport