Installing and Configuring OpenStack in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: April 2015

Creating an Image

In Solaris, OpenStack images are Unified Archives and must be running Oracle Solaris 11.2. Using the archiveadm command, you can create new Unified Archives from global, non-global, and kernel zones running Oracle Solaris 11.2. Upload the image to the Glance repository for use with OpenStack.

Your Unified Archive can be either a clone archive or a recovery archive. Create a clone archive based on the currently active boot environment, or create a recovery archive that includes all boot environments and system configuration information. A clone archive does not include any of the system configuration information from the OS instance. For a clone archive, the installers force reconfiguration or you can provide configuration in a system configuration (SC) profile. A clone archive also does not include inactive BEs, for example. Use a recovery Unified Archive if you want all of a system. For more information about Unified Archives, see Using Unified Archives for System Recovery and Cloning in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

The following commands capture a Unified Archive of a running non-global zone named myzone:

global# zonecfg -z myzone create
global# zoneadm -z myzone install
global# zlogin myzone \
'sed /^PermitRootLogin/s/no$/without-password/ \
< /etc/ssh/sshd_config > /system/volatile/sed.$$ ; \
cp /system/volatile/sed.$$ /etc/ssh/sshd_config'
global# archiveadm create -z myzone /var/tmp/myzone.uar

You can also create an OpenStack image by creating a snapshot of an existing VM instance. Use the nova image-create command to create an image by taking a snapshot of a running VM instance.

In addition to creating an image to use to create VM instances, you might want to use custom images for data backups or to rescue a VM instance. A rescue image is a special type of image that is booted when a VM instance is placed into rescue mode. A rescue image enables an administrator to mount the file systems for the VM instance to correct the problem.