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Administering Resource Management in Oracle® Solaris 11.3

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Updated: March 2018

Administering Resource Pools Task Map

For Instructions
Enable or disable resource pools.
Activate or disable resource pools on your system.
Enable or disable dynamic resource pools.
Activate or disable dynamic resource pools facilities on your system.
Create a static resource pools configuration.
Create a static configuration file that matches the current dynamic configuration. For more information, see Resource Pools Framework.
Modify a resource pools configuration.
Revise a pools configuration on your system, for example, by creating additional pools.
Associate a resource pool with a scheduling class.
Associate a pool with a scheduling class so that all processes bound to the pool use the specified scheduler.
Set configuration constraints and define configuration objectives.
Specify objectives for poold to consider when taking corrective action. For more information on configuration objectives, see poold Overview.
Set the logging level.
Specify the level of logging information that poold generates.
Use a text file with the poolcfg command.
The poolcfg command can take input from a text file.
Transfer resources in the kernel.
Transfer resources in the kernel. For example, transfer resources with specific IDs to a target set.
Activate a pools configuration.
Activate the configuration in the default configuration file.
Validate a pools configuration before you commit the configuration.
Validate a pools configuration to test what will happen when the validation occurs.
Remove a pools configuration from your system.
All associated resources, such as processor sets, are returned to their default status.
Bind processes to a pool.
Manually associate a running process on your system with a resource pool.
Bind tasks or projects to a pool.
Associate tasks or projects with a resource pool.
Bind new processes to a resource pool.
To automatically bind new processes in a project to a given pool, add an attribute to each entry in the project database.
Use project attributes to bind a process to a different pool.
Modify the pool binding for new processes that are started.
Use the poolstat utility to produce reports.
Produce multiple reports at specified intervals.
Report resource set statistics.
Use the poolstat utility to report statistics for a pset resource set.