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Administering Resource Management in Oracle® Solaris 11.3

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Updated: March 2018

How to Move a Running Process Into a New Task

This example shows how to associate a running process with a different task and new project. To perform this action, you must be the root user, have the required rights profile, or be the owner of the process and be a member of the new project.

  1. Become root or assume an equivalent role.

    Note -  If you are the owner of the process or a member of the new project, you can skip this step.
  2. Obtain the process ID of the book_catalog process.
    # pgrep book_catalog
  3. Associate process 8100 with a new task ID in the booksite project.
    # newtask -v -p booksite -c 8100

    The –c option specifies that newtask operate on the existing named process.

  4. Confirm the task to process ID mapping.
    # pgrep -T 17