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Administering Resource Management in Oracle® Solaris 11.3

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Updated: March 2018

Monitoring Resource Utilization With rcapstat

Use the rcapstat command to monitor the resource utilization of capped projects. To view an example rcapstat report, see Producing Reports With rcapstat.

You can set the sampling interval for the report and specify the number of times that statistics are repeated.


Specifies the sampling interval in seconds. The default interval is 5 seconds.


Specifies the number of times that the statistics are repeated. By default, the rcapstat command reports statistics until a termination signal is received or until the rcapd process exits.

The paging statistics in the first report issued by rcapstat show the activity since the daemon was started. Subsequent reports reflect the activity since the last report was issued.

The following table defines the column headings in an rcapstat report.

rcapstat Column Headings
The project ID of the capped project.
The project name.
Informs if caps are enforced on the project.
The number of processes in the project.
The total amount of virtual memory size used by processes in the project, including all mapped files and devices, in kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), or gigabytes (G).
The estimated amount of the total resident set size (RSS) of the processes in the project, in kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), or gigabytes (G), not accounting for pages that are shared.
The RSS cap defined for the project. See Attribute to Limit Physical Memory Usage for Projects or the rcapd(1M) man page for information about how to specify memory caps.
The total amount of memory that the rcapd daemon attempted to page out since the last rcapstat sample.
The average amount of memory that the rcapd daemon attempted to page out during each sample cycle that occurred since the last rcapstat sample.
The total amount of memory that the rcapd daemon successfully paged out since the last rcapstat sample.
An estimate of the average amount of memory that the rcapd daemon successfully paged out during each sample cycle that occurred since the last rcapstat sample.