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Creating and Using Oracle® Solaris Zones

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Updated: April 2019

How to Reboot a Zone

  1. Become a zone administrator.

    For more information, see Assigning Limited Rights to Zone Administrators.

  2. List the zones running on the system.
    global$ zoneadm list -v

    You will see a display that is similar to the following:

    ID  NAME     STATUS       PATH                           BRAND      IP
     0  global   running      /                              solaris    shared
     1  my-zone  running      /zones/my-zone                 solaris    excl  
  3. Use the zoneadm command with the –z reboot option to reboot the zone my-zone.
    global$ zoneadm -z my-zone reboot
  4. List the zones on the system again to verify that my-zone has been rebooted.
    global# zoneadm list -v

    You will see a display that is similar to the following:

    ID  NAME     STATUS       PATH                           BRAND      IP
     0  global   running      /                              solaris    shared
     2  my-zone  running      /zones/my-zone                 solaris    excl  

    Tip  -  Note that the zone ID for my-zone has changed. The zone ID generally changes after a reboot.