The CommerceAccelerator.Base module is a required module for all of the Commerce Store Accelerator plugin modules and it contains the framework of an application. When creating a new plugin module, you must add the Base module to the new module’s MANIFEST.MF file.

The Base module itself is dependent on the REST, DCS, DCS.Endeca.Assembler and DCS.Endeca.Index modules, as shown in the illustration below:

This illustration is described in the preceding text.

Server-side components that contain functionality useful to multiple plugins (or extensions of the Oracle Commerce Platform implementations of these components) have been placed in the Base module. This includes, for example, the CatalogTools, CatalogProperties, DimensionCache, RequestLocale components and more. Placing this functionality in a Base module reduces the amount of plugins that have dependencies on each other while also ensuring that the Base module does not suffer from unnecessary bloat.

The Base module is where the client’s application object and prototype model objects (model, domain-model, and view-model) are defined and also where the client itself is bootstrapped. The client’s entry point (index.jsp and application.js) are defined in the Base module as well as the RequiredModuleDependencies component, which gives you the ability to configure the modules that should be included during application startup. Finally, you will also find all of the Commerce Store Accelerator custom knockout bindings, filters, and internationalization objects that will aid you in the building of your commerce site.

The Base module provides all of the XML templates and view models for the Experience Manager cartridges related to page layout, for example, OneColumnPage, TwoColumnPage, PageHeader, PageFooter, ContentSlotMain, ContentSlotSecondary, and so on. These cartridges are used by every plugin module in Commerce Store Accelerator and provide you with the majority of layouts you may require when building your Commerce Store Accelerator-based application.

Finally, general, site-wide configuration is found in the Base module, including Oracle Commerce Platform configuration, Oracle Commerce configuration, Guided Search configuration, and any other configuration that is required for generic commerce components that are required throughout the site.

Keep in mind that, while the Base module supplies all of the above functionality and configures the foundation of a commerce site, you still have the option to extend the Base module for your own application, overriding the out-of-the-box configuration and tailoring the site to your requirements.

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