You must do some manual editing to configure communication between any server instances you create and the EAC applications that support them. In the CommerceAccelerator/Applications/application-name/src/main/config directory, make the following edits:

  1. In the /atg/endeca/ file, uncomment and edit the baseApplicationName , locales, and applicationKeyToMdexHostAndPort properties to reflect your application’s requirements, for example:


    For a multiple EAC application environment, the applicationKeyToMdexHostAndPort property would look similar to the following:


    And the locales property would look similar to this:


  2. In the /atg/endeca/assembler/ file, edit the assemblerContentBaseDirectory property to reference the location where your Assembler application export archive files are kept. For example:


    IMPORTANT: Use forward slashes for this path, even on Windows.

  3. If your environment has multiple EAC applications, then the default configuration of the /atg/endeca/assembler/admin/EndecaAdministrationService component must be changed as follows:

    Note: Using the MultiAppAdministrationService component means that storeFactories are automatically generated at run-time and do not need to be manually configured unless your application requires you to explicitly create them.

  4. In the /atg/multisite/ file, uncomment and configure the defaultSiteId property to specify the site ID for your default site as defined in Site Administration.

Note: For more information on the ApplicationConfiguration , AssemblerApplicationConfiguration, and EndecaAdministrationService components, see the Platform-Guided Search Integration Guide.

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