The following section describes the Commerce Store Accelerator-specific tasks that are defined in the allprojects closure of the root build.gradle script. These tasks are accessible to all Commerce Store Accelerator build projects. Because task order in the build script matters, tasks are presented in this document in the same order as they appear in the build.gradle script.

Note: A number of the following sections reference the project /build directory. A /build directory is created within each project when you run Gradle and Gradles places its compiled classes, resources and JAR files in that directory as part of its build process.


The jshint task runs the JSHint plugin to validate Commerce Store Accelerator JavaScript code for style and formatting. If this task finds any errors, the build fails. For more information on JSHint, see


When you create an application module (for example, B2Cstore) you must include a file in the module that defines an includedPlugins property. This property specifies the list of Commerce Store Accelerator plugins on which the application depends, for example:

  CommerceAccelerator.Applications.B2CStore.Plugins.Account \
  CommerceAccelerator.Applications.B2CStore.Plugins.Checkout \
  CommerceAccelerator.Applications.B2CStore.Plugins.SearchAndNavigation \
  CommerceAccelerator.Applications.B2CStore.Plugins.Spotlights \
  CommerceAccelerator.Applications.B2CStore.Plugins.ShoppingCart \
  CommerceAccelerator.Plugins.Preview \
  CommerceAccelerator.Plugins.Checkout \
  CommerceAccelerator.Plugins.Promotions \

The pluginsManifestBuilder task then uses the includedPlugins property to create a MANIFEST.MF file in the application module’s directory structure. For example, the following is the MANIFEST.MF file from CommerceAccelerator/Applications/B2CStore/Plugins/META-INF:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
ATG-Required: CommerceAccelerator.Applications.B2CStore.Plugins.Accoun
 t CommerceAccelerator.Applications.B2CStore.Plugins.Checkout Commerce
 Accelerator.Applications.B2CStore.Plugins.SearchAndNavigation Commerc
 eAccelerator.Applications.B2CStore.Plugins.Spotlights CommerceAcceler
 ator.Applications.B2CStore.Plugins.ShoppingCart CommerceAccelerator.P
 lugins.Preview CommerceAccelerator.Plugins.Checkout CommerceAccelerat
 or.Plugins.Promotions CommerceAccelerator.Plugins.SEO

Note that each line length in the manifest is limited to 72 bytes to conform to standard JAR file specifications. Any lines longer than 72 bytes are continued on the next line and must start with a single space.


The composeDeployFromBaseAndPlugins task, in conjunction with the composeDeployFromEacTemplates task, creates the deployment templates for the EAC applications that will support your Commerce Store Accelerator application module.

To begin, the composeDeployFromBaseAndPlugins task creates a CommerceAccelerator/Applications/CSA-application-name/src/main/deploy/EAC-application-name/ directory for each EAC application. These directories hold the deployment template for each EAC application. The number of directories to create, and their names, are defined by the eacApplications property in the /CommerceAccelerator/Applications/CSA-application-name/ file. For example, the B2CStore application defines the following EAC applications in its file:


After creating the EAC application directories, the composeDeployFromBaseAndPlugins task copies deployment template fragments from the Base module and each included plugin into those directories. To determine which plugins contribute to the deployment, the composeDeployFromBaseAndPlugins task references the includedPlugins property specified in the application’s file. The source files that composeDeployFromBaseAndPlugins copies from are found in the CommerceAccelerator/Base/src/main/deploy and CommerceAccelerator/Plugins/plugin/src/main/deploy directories.


The composeDeployFromEacTemplates task, in conjunction with the composeDeployFromBaseAndPlugins task, creates the deployment templates for the EAC applications that will support your Commerce Store Accelerator application module. Specifically, the composeDeployFromEacTemplates task copies deployment template fragments from two locations:

The /CommerceAccelerator/Applications/CSA-application-name/src/main/deploy directory is deleted each time a Gradle build is run, so you must put your EAC application configuration into the correct source directories, from which it may be copied to the /deploy directory.

Also, note that each EAC application requires a deploy.xml file, located in /CommerceAccelerator/Applications/CSA-application-name/src/main/deploy/EAC-application-name, in order to deploy the application to the Workbench.


The bowerInstall task allows Gradle to install Bower by invoking the bower install command from the command line. The uiInstall task uses the bowerInstall task when it installs the third-party libraries that modules with web applications depend on. This task is an Exec task.


The bowerClean task removes the bower_components directory from current project. This task should be used whenever Bower component versions have been updated to ensure that the old versions get removed and version conflicts do not occur. For example, if a version of Knockout gets updated in the bower.json file, this task ensures that the old version of Knockout gets removed.


The npmInstall task allows Gradle to install Node by invoking the npm install command from the command line. The uiInstall task uses the npmInstall task when it installs the third-party libraries that modules with web applications depend on. This task is an Exec task.


The uiInstall task runs installer commands for the third-party libraries that modules with web applications depend on. Specifically, this task runs the bowerInstall and npmInstall tasks to install Bower and Node.

If a module has a package.json file, uiInstall invokes the npmInstall task for that module, using the configuration specified in the package.json file. Out of the box, the only module that includes a package.json file is the root CommerceAccelerator module.

Similarly, if a module has a .bowerrc file, uiInstall invokes the bowerInstall task for that module, using the configuration specified in the .bowerrc file. For example, the CommerceAccelerator/Base module contains a .bowerrc file that specifies the Bower configuration for the CommerceAccelerator/Base/src/main/web-app.


The all task allows you to invoke all the required tasks to build Commerce Store Accelerator with the command gradle all.


The cleanAll task removes a project’s /build directory along with any classes, resources, and JAR files it contains.


The cleanDeploy task removes the EAC application deployment templates by deleting the contents of the Commerce Store Accelerator application’s /deploy directory. See the composeDeployFromBaseAndPlugins and composeDeployFromEacTemplates sections for more details on the /deploy directory.


The copyClasses task copies compiled Java classes from a project’s build directory (for example, CommerceAccelerator/Applications/<application>/build) into the project’s classes directory (for example, CommerceAccelerator/Applications/<application>/classes). This task depends on the Java plugin’s compileJava task completing first.


The copyLibs task copies the assembled JAR file from a project’s build directory (for example, CommerceAccelerator/Applications/<application>/build) into the project’s lib directory (for example, CommerceAccelerator/Applications/<application>/lib). ). This task depends on the Java plugin’s assemble task completing first.


The buildWar task assembles the store.war implementation, including third-party libraries as well as custom JavaScript and HTML code, for a Commerce Store Accelerator application and places it in the application’s CommerceAccelerator/Applications/<application>/src/main/j2ee-apps directory. Because this assembly process is application-specific, the buildWar task in the root project is empty. You should override the buildWar task implementation in the build.gradle file of your Commerce Store Accelerator application’s module. The empty buildWar task is defined in the root build.gradle file so that it can be invoked from the all task.


The runGrunt task is used to invoke the grunt command-line execution task. When the current working project contains a src/main/web-app directory, a custom grunt Exec task is executed. This task adds the grunt task named gradle to the argument list, thereby telling the grunt Exec task to run the gradle task that has been defined in the CommerceAccelerator/.Gruntfile.js configuration. The gradle task is used to run additional grunt tasks that compile and optimize Commerce Store Accelerator’s JavaScript.

The optimize task takes an application module’s individual .js files and merges them into a single, large JavaScript file. This allows the browser to load the site using a single request, as opposed to hundreds of requests for the individual JavaScript files. The list of files to merge is specified in the include array of an application module’s Gruntfile.js file (CommerceAccelerator/Applications/application-name/Gruntfile.js).

The compile task runs two additional tasks, customizeBootstrap and less, both of which are defined in CommerceAccelerator/Base/Gruntfile.js. Bootstrap contains a number of source .less files (for example, alerts.less, badges.less, navbar.less, and so on) that contain styles for the various Bootstrap components. It also contains a bootstrap.less file that imports the constituent .less files. In order to customize Bootstrap without modifying the original source files, Commerce Store Accelerator has its own versions of the .less files that need modification. These custom .less files first import the original .less file, then modify the styles. The customizeBootstrap grunt task creates a new bootstrap.less file that replaces the import paths for any overridden .less files. The less task compiles all .less files into .css files.

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