The allprojects closure in the root build.gradle script defines configuration settings and tasks that are executed for each Commerce Store Accelerator module.

Plugin Configuration

The allprojects closure applies three Gradle plugins that provide access to tasks that the Commerce Store Accelerator build process uses:

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
apply plugin: com.eriwen.gradle.js.JsPlugin

The java plugin includes tasks that compile classes, create JAR files, run unit tests, and so on. For more information on this plugin, see

The eclipse plugin generates files that are used by the Eclipse IDE. These files are necessary in order to build a Gradle project from within Eclipse. For more information on this plugin, see

The com.eriwen.gradle.js.JsPlugin plugin is a third-party plugin that includes useful JavaScript tasks such as gradle jshint, a task that validates JavaScript code style and formatting. For more information on this plugin, see

Repository Configuration

The repositories script block of the allprojects task defines the public mavenCentral repository as the location from which third-party libraries that the build tasks depend on, such as junit, should be retrieved from:

  repositories {
Java Source Code and Resource File Locations

Any Java source code that is required to build a module should be placed in that module’s /src/main/java directory. The following configuration in the allprojects task tells the Gradle build system to look in each module’s /src/main/java directory for Java source code: = ["src/main/java"];

Likewise, the Gradle build system needs to know where to find resource files. Because Oracle Commerce resource files can be included in the Java source code, the Gradle build system needs to look in both the <module>/src/main/java directories as well as in Gradle’s default location of <module>/src/main/resources for resource files. The following configuration in the allprojects task tells the Gradle build system to look in both locations for resource files:

sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs = ["src/main/java", "src/main/resources"];
Dependencies Configuration

The specific JAR files, classpaths, and arguments used during the execution of various build process tasks are defined in the dependencies script block of the allprojects task:

dependencies {

     * Unit test dependencies.
      [group: "junit", name: "junit", version: "4.11"],
      [group: "hsqldb", name: "hsqldb", version: ""],
      [group: "org.apache.ddlutils", name: "ddlutils", version: "1.0"],

     * Java compile dependencies.

     * Java compilation configuration.
    compileJava {

      // Save the compiler from re-compiling everything, even if only one
      // Java source file changes.

      // Fork your compilation into a child process.
      options.fork = true
Logging Level for Unit Tests

The test script block sets the logging level for unit tests to ensure that meaningful reasons are returned for failed tests. It also configures logging to record “PASSED” for unit tests that are successful.

test {
    testLogging {
      exceptionFormat 'full'
      events 'passed'

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