For both the ScrollableMediaContentSpotlight-ATGSlot and ScrollableProductSpotlight-ATGSlot cartridges, you can choose to configure an application-specific missing image URL. For the ScrollableMediaContentSpotlight-ATGSlot cartridge, you can also choose to substitute a custom HTML template that renders application-specific properties.

Adding a Missing Image URL

The ScrollableMediaContentSpotlight-ATGSlot and ScrollableProductSpotlight-ATGSlot view models include a missingImagePath property. This property defines the URL for the image to render when the image for a carousel itemis missing. In order to add an application-specific missing image to the missingImagePath property, you must override the ScrollableMediaContentSpotlight-ATGSlot ScrollableMediaContentSpotlight-ATGSlot and ScrollableProductSpotlight-ATGSlot configuration in the application layer according to the instructions provided below.

  1. Create a CommerceAccelerator/Applications/application/Plugins/Spotlights/src/main/web-app/ScrollableMediaContentSpotlight-ATGSlot.js file with the following content, replacing application with the name of your custom application and missing-image-path with the path to the missing image file.

    ], function (oldScrollableMediaContentSpotlightATGSlotMixin, newTemplate)
      'use strict';

      return function scrollableMediaContentSpotlightATGSlotMixin
    (vm, element) {

        // Decorate viewModel (vm) with the (base) contentItem mixin
        oldScrollableMediaContentSpotlightATGSlotMixin(vm, element);

        vm.template = newTemplate;

        return vm;

    Note that, in the code above, the mixin from the original view model, CSA.Plugins.Spotlights/ScrollableMediaContentSpotlight-ATGSlot, is loaded so that the view model can be decorated with the original mixin decorations before the property values are overridden. Also, in order to handle rendering application-specific properties, a new HTML template is being used in the application layer. This new template is loaded and by overriding the template property it is set as the template to use.

  2. Create a CommerceAccelerator/Applications/application/Plugins/Spotlights/src/main/web-app/ScrollableProductSpotlight-ATGSlot.js file with the following content, replacing application with the name of your custom application and missing-image-path with the path to the missing image file.

    ], function (oldScrollableProductSpotlightATGSlotMixin, newTemplate) {
      'use strict';

      return function scrollableProductSpotlightATGSlotMixin (vm, element) {

        // Decorate viewModel (vm) with the (base) contentItem mixin
        oldScrollableProductSpotlightATGSlotMixin(vm, element);

        vm.template = newTemplate;

        return vm;

  3. Add new ScrollableMediaContentSpotlight-ATGSlot and ScrollableProductSpotlight-ATGSlot mappings to CommerceAccelerator/Applications/application/Plugins/Spotlights/src/main/web-app/main.js. Replace application in the code sample below with the name of your custom application.

    // Define local configurations
      paths: {

      map: {
        '*': {

  4. Create a bower dependency to CSA.Plugins.Spotlights, shown in the "dependencies" code block below, in CommerceAccelerator/Applications/application/Plugins/Spotlights/src/main/web-app/bower.json.

      "name": "CSA.Applications.application.Plugins.Spotlights",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "ignore": [
      "dependencies": {
      "devDependencies": {
        "es5-shim": "3.4.0",
        "jasmine": "1.3.1"

  5. Edit the CSA.Plugins.Spotlights/main reference in CommerceAccelerator/Applications/application/src/main/web-app/main.js to use a reference to application.Plugins.Spotlights/main. Replace application with the name of your custom application.

      // Load package dependency configurations
    ], function () {
      'use strict';

Replacing the HTML Template for Media Content Spotlights

Applications that need to display application-specific properties for media contentspotlight items must replace the HTML template for the ScrollableMediaContentSpotlight-ATGSlot cartridge in the application layer. To do so, copy the CommerceAccelerator/Plugins/Spotlights/src/main/web-app/ScrollableMediaContentSpotlight-ATGSlot.html file to your CommerceAccelerator/Applications/application/src/main/web-app directory, then modify the carousel-inner div element to accommodate your application’s requirements.

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