To build all of the Commerce Store Accelerator modules, change to the <ATG11dir>/CommerceAccelerator directory and run Gradle from that directory. To build an individual module, along with any modules the individual module depends on, run Gradle from the directory where the module’s build.gradle file is located. For example, to build the B2CStore directory and its dependencies, run Gradle from the <ATG11dir>/CommerceAccelerator/Applications/B2CStore directory. If you make changes to a file that a client application depends on (for example, an HTML or JavaScript file), you must run the build from the <ATG11dir>/CommerceAccelerator directory or the affected application module’s directory to ensure that the edited files are pulled into the store.war.

Note that, out of the box, all of the Commerce Store Accelerator modules are configured to run the default all task if you do not specify a task on the command line. In other words, running gradle is equivalent to running gradle all. For more details on this default configuration, see Creating Sub-Modules.

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