Follow the instructions below to create the SEO plugin extension and configure your application module to use it and the parent SEO plugin.

  1. Copy the SEO-related repository definition file and database SQL scripts to your application module:

  2. Create a directory for the SEO plugin extension called CommerceAccelerator/Applications/application-name/Plugins/SEO/META-INF and populate it with a MANIFEST.MF file that has the following content:

    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    ATG-Class-Path: lib/SEO.jar
    ATG-Config-Path: src/main/config
    ATG-Required: CommerceAccelerator.Applications.NewStore.Base

  3. To make the SEO plugin extension module start up with the rest of the application module, update the CommerceAccelerator/Applications/application-name/META-INF/ file to add CommerceAccelerator.Applications.application-name.Plugins to the ATG-Required property. If, when adding this module name to the ATG-Required property, the line exceeds a length of 72 characters ensure that all text after the 72nd character is wrapped onto the next line and the next line starts with a space.

    Note: This step may already have been done for other plugins that were included in the application module.

  4. Create a build.gradle file in CommerceAccelerator/Applications/application-name/Plugins/SEO with the following content:

    project(":Applications:application-name:Plugins:SEO") {
      defaultTasks "all";
      description = "Contains cartridges, configuration and code
                     for the new feature."
      dependencies {
        compile project(":Plugins:SEO"),

  5. Create a StoreConfiguration component, using an identifying name such as, in CommerceAccelerator/Applications/application-name/Plugins/SEO/src/main/config/atg/endeca/sitemap with the following content:

    $description=Store configuration for generating site links.

    Each StoreConfiguration component provides the site ID for a store that should be included in the generated sitemap.

  6. Create a file in CommerceAccelerator/Applications/application-name/Plugins/SEO/src/main/config/atg/endeca/sitemap with the following content:

    $description=Extending the SiteLinksGenerator to add the storeSites
    # Sites for whick links has to be generated.

    This configuration maps the component you created in the previous step to the storeSites property in the SiteLinkGenerator component.

  7. Create a file in CommerceAccelerator/Applications/application-name/Plugins/SEO/src/main/config/atg/repository/seo with the following content:

    # Phantomjs executable path.

    Replace the path-to-phantomjs variable with the path to your PhantomJS executable, for example, C:/phantomjs-2.0.0-windows/bin/phantomjs.exe.

  8. Edit the CommerceAccelerator/Applications/application-name/ file to add the SEO plugin extension to the includedPlugins property.


  9. Add the SEO plugin extension to the build by updating the CommerceAccelerator/settings.gradle file to add the following reference at the end of the array:


    Be sure that all entries in the array end with a comma except for the last one.

  10. If necessary, stop the production server instance.

  11. In a UNIX shell or command prompt, change directories to the CommerceAccelerator directory.

  12. Run the following command to execute the build:


  13. Re-assemble and re-deploy the EAR file. You can do this using CIM by repeating the process for step [4] Application Assembly & Deployment in the CIM main menu.

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