If your application does not have any visible content in it yet, you can test it by adding a RichTextMain cartridge with some sample text to the MainContent area of the home page in Experience Manager. After adding the content, you must publish and promote it, and then you can open the application’s home page in a browser and confirm it is working correctly. These instructions assume you have the content for your home page in Web/Home Pages/Default Home Page in Experience Manager.

To add test content in a RichTextMain cartridge:

  1. In a browser, navigate to http://<Workbench_host>:8006/ifcr.

  2. Enter your Workbench username and password (If you followed the instructions in the Commerce Store Accelerator Installation and Configuration Guide, this is admin for the username and Admin123 for the password) and click Log In.

  3. From the Administrative Tools menu, select your EAC application, then click Experience Manager.

  4. Under Rules, expand Web, expand Home Pages, then click Default Home Page.

  5. In the Editor tab, click mainContent.

  6. Click the Add button, select RichTextMain and click OK.

  7. Click the Enter text button, enter some sample text and click OK.

  8. Click Save in the upper-right corner.

  9. Click the Untitled work menu and click Publish, then click Publish again.

To promote the test content:

  1. Open a UNIX shell or command prompt on the server that is running Guided Search with Experience Manager.

  2. Change directories to the EAC application’s control directory, for example:

    cd /usr/local/endeca/Apps/EAC-application-name/control


    cd C:\Endeca\Apps\EAC-application-name\control

  3. Enter one of the following commands.





To view the promoted content and verify that your new application module is working as expected, open a browser and navigate to your applications home page, for example:


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