Note: This section assumes you have created and populated the database that will support your Oracle Commerce server instance.

You can use CIM to create an Oracle Commerce server instance that will include your new application module. At a minimum, you must create a production server instance that includes the following Oracle Commerce products:

Additonally, you must do the following when configuring the server instance:

You may choose to include other products, for example, REST services, but the three products listed above are the only ones required to create a new application module. The other choices you make in CIM as you create your server instance, for example, whether to use a switching or non-switching database, are application-specific and should not impact the instructions presented in this chapter.

Note: For definitions of many of the prompts you may encounter as you configure the Oracle Commerce server instance, refer to the Commerce Store Accelerator Installation and Configuration Guide. If you are on a Windows environment, be sure to use the correct slash style (forward slash versus back slash) as you answer the prompts. Slash styles are indicated in the prompt definitions in the Commerce Store Accelerator Installation and Configuration Guide.

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