This section describes search index configuration and how to export, create, replace, and modify it.

Locales are configured through attributes of the search-index-config object. The following table gives an overview of these attributes.


Supported values




Indicates that this configuration is for Search Index Configuration.



Optional. The default locale for the application. Must be a valid IETF BCP 47 locale code.

If no value for defaultLocale is specified, the default locale is English.



Optional. The locales supported for this application. Must be valid IETF BCP 47 locale codes.



Optional. Specifies the minimum number of times the word must appear in the source data before the word should be included in the spelling dictionary.

Note: Do not modify the value of this attribute unless instructed to do so by Oracle Technical Support.



Optional. Indicates that the asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard character to match fragments of words in dimension values.

Note: Do not modify the value of this attribute unless instructed to do so by Oracle Technical Support.



Optional. Specifies the maximum length of a word that should be included in the spelling dictionary. Applies to both dimension search and record search.

Note: Do not modify the value of this attribute unless instructed to do so by Oracle Technical Support.



Optional. Specifies the minimum character length for a word to be included in the spelling dictionary. This setting applies to both dimension search and record search.

Note: Do not modify the value of this attribute unless instructed to do so by Oracle Technical Support.

You can import locale configuration to create, replace, or modify the configuration.

You can modify locale configuration by using the PATCH method to modify values of attributes of the search-index-config object.

To modify locale configuration, use a PATCH request of the following form:

PATCH http://host:port/ifcr/gsadmin/v1/Discover/searchIndexConfig 

where host:port identifies the machine on which Guided Search is installed.

For example, suppose that the search-index-config object is currently configured as follows:

  "ecr:lastModifiedBy": "admin", 
  "ecr:lastModified": "2016-01-13T08:21:15.372z", 
  "ecr:createDate": "2016-01-13T08:21:15.372z",
		"ecr:type": "search-index-config", 
  "spellingDictMaxWordLength": 16,
		"spellingDictMinNumWordOccurrences": 4, 
  "spellingDictMinWordLength": 4,
		"isWildcardEnabledInDimensionSearch": true 

You can add the language configuration by executing the PATCH endpoint above with the following input:

  "ecr:type": "search-index-config", 
  "defaultLocale": "en-US", 
  "locales": [ 

The search index configuration is now configured as follows:

  "ecr:lastModifiedBy": "admin", 
  "ecr:lastModified": "2016-01-13T08:21:15.372z", 
  "ecr:createDate": "2016-01-13T08:21:15.372z",
		"ecr:type": "search-index-config", 
  "defaultLocale": "en-US", 
  "locales": [
  "spellingDictMaxWordLength": 16,
		"spellingDictMinNumWordOccurrences": 4,
  "spellingDictMinWordLength": 4,
		"isWildcardEnabledInDimensionSearch": true 

You can also use PATCH to modify the value of existing attributes. For example, to change the supported locale from es to fr , you can execute the PATCH method with the following input:

  "locales": [ 
  "ecr:type": "search-index-config" 

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