In some cases, your product catalog may contain multiple SKU items that are variations of the same product. For example, the same rubber boots may be available in different colors. To simplify the display of such product data in results lists, you can configure an aggregated record to represent the product in general, and member records of the aggregated record to represent the different SKU items.

Aggregated records can be accessed through keyword search or Guided Navigation in the same way that other types of records can be accessed.

Aggregated records appear in results lists. The number of member records that appear with each aggregated record in the results list is configurable. Typically, a single member record is included; this record is known as the representative record. See the following section for information about how to configure aggregated records.

You can configure some or all properties of this record to be available to your front end application for display by configuring the defaultFilterState bean in a file named assembler-context.xml (see below).

Your front end application determines how the aggregated record and the member record returned with it are displayed.

For example, suppose that your data includes several records representing different SKU items that belong to a single product such as "Frederick's Castaway Boat Shoe". The records representing the SKU items contain product information about the different versions of this product, distinguished by size, color, and other qualities. In this case, you can configure an aggregated record to represent the product "Frederick's Castaway Boat Shoe" and a member record to represent each version (SKU item) of this product.

If your query returns "Frederick's Castaway Boat Shoe" and you then refine your search further -- for example, by selecting a color -- some member records may be removed from the aggregated record. For example, if you select "brown", all member records that represent Frederick's Castaway Boat Shoes in colors other than brown are removed. Thus, the actual set of member records varies at runtime, depending on the current navigation state. If more than one member record reflects that state, the system chooses which member record to return.

You can optionally configure a derived property to add to an aggregated record. You configure the value of the derived property to be the minimum, maximum, sum, or average of the values of a specified property of the member records.

The value of a derived property is calculated at runtime. If you refine your search by clicking additional or different dimension values, the value of the derived property is recalculated to reflect the resulting changes in the set of member records.

The following diagram illustrates the changes that you must make to assembler-context.xml and the JSON document that configures properties to configure an aggregated record with a derived property:

To add a derived property to the configuration of an aggregated record, follow these steps:

For example, suppose that the member records for an aggregated record representing "Frederick's Castaway Boat Shoe" have the following values for their product.price property: 24.00, 89.95, and 120.00. At runtime, the product.min_price property of the aggregated record will be set to 24.00, the lowest of the three prices.

You configure which properties of an aggregated record and of its member records will be available to your front end application by listing these properties in the resultsListDefaultConfig bean. List properties of aggregated records in the fieldNames element and properties of member records in the subRecordFieldNames element:

<bean id="resultsListDefaultConfig" scope="prototype"	class="com.endeca.infront.cartridge.ResultsListConfig">
  <property name="fieldNames"> 
      <value></value> ... 
  <property name="subRecordFieldNames"> 

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