You can also load your exported product data into CAS record stores using calls to the Record Store API, as in the following Java example:

package com.endeca.itl.recordstore.sample;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;

import com.endeca.itl.record.PropertyValue;
import com.endeca.itl.record.Record;
import com.endeca.itl.recordstore.RecordStore;
import com.endeca.itl.recordstore.RecordStoreConfiguration;
import com.endeca.itl.recordstore.RecordStoreException;
import com.endeca.itl.recordstore.RecordStoreLocator;
import com.endeca.itl.recordstore.RecordStoreWriter;
import com.endeca.itl.recordstore.TransactionId;
import com.endeca.itl.recordstore.TransactionType;

 * SampleWriter is an example of how to use the Record Store core and 
 * client utility classes to write records. It creates one record and 
 * writes it to the Record Store.
public class SampleWriter {
 // This should match the idPropertyName in your record store configuration.
 public static final String PROPERTY_ID = "Endeca.FileSystem.Path";

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  if (args.length!=2) {
   System.out.println("usage: <cas host> <cas port>");
  String casHost = args[0];
   int casPort = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
   // For better performance, create a linked list of records to write 
   // as a batch, rather than writing individual records.
   Collection<Record> records = new LinkedList<Record>();

  // The following lines, which add hard-coded values, are meant only to illustrate the API.
  // You will want to replace these lines with code that processes your product data,
  // which can include both property names and property values.
  Record record = new Record();
   record.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("","Acme Sport Shirt"));
   record.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("product.price","23.99");
   record.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("", "a231ad32));

  RecordStoreLocator locator = RecordStoreLocator.create(casHost, casPort, "rs1");
  RecordStore recordStore = locator.getService();

  RecordStoreConfiguration config = new RecordStoreConfiguration();
  config.setChangePropertyNames(new ArrayList<String>());

  TransactionId tId = null;
  try {
   System.out.println("Setting record store configuration ...");

   System.out.println("Starting a new transaction ...");
   tId = recordStore.startTransaction(TransactionType.READ_WRITE);
   // Create a writer that writes records in batches of 100.
   RecordStoreWriter writer = RecordStoreWriter.createWriter(recordStore, tId, 100);

   System.out.println("Writing records ...");
   // To perform a baseline update, delete all records in record store before writing new records.

   // Commit the transaction to complete the write operation.
   System.out.println("Committing transaction ...");
   } catch (RecordStoreException exception) {
   if (tId != null) {
    try {
     } catch (RecordStoreException anotherException) {
     System.out.println("Failed to roll back transaction.");

For more information about the Record Store API, refer to the Oracle Commerce Content Acquisition System API Guide and the Record Store API Reference (Javadoc).

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