You create a record store merger for your application in the custom script file (named, for example, initialize_rs_feeds.[bat|sh]) that you wrote to create record stores. This script file must be placed in /Endeca/apps/Discover/control/initialize_services.bat. For information about how to create this custom script file, see Creating record stores .

To create the record store merger, add this code to the custom script file:

REM Create the record store merger after creating the Dimension Value Id
REM Manager, Record Stores, and IFCR Site 
echo Creating record store merger
  %RECORD_STORE_MERGER_NAME% call %CAS_ROOT%\bin\cas-cmd.bat createCrawls -h
  %CAS_HOST% -p %CAS_PORT% -f %~dp0..\config\cas\last-mile-crawl.xml 
    if not %ERRORLEVEL%==0 ( 
      echo Failure to create crawl. exit /B 1 

where the variable RECORD_STORE_MERGER_NAME must be assigned a value in this same script file; for example:

set RECORD_STORE_MERGER_NAME=Discover-record-store-merger

A single Guided Search application can use only one record store merger and only one Dimension Value ID manager.


In this guide, the terms "crawl" and "last mile crawl" refer to record store mergers, and not to CAS crawls.

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