You specify the dimensions that can be searched by dimension searches in the dimensionSearchResultsDefaultConfig property of the dimensionSearchResultsDefaultConfig component in assembler-context.xml. If you specify dimensions in dimensionSearchResultsDefaultConfig, only those dimensions are searched. If you do not specify dimensions, all dimensions are searched.

For example, the following dimensionSearchResultsDefaultConfig property specifies three dimensions that can be searched:

<property name="dimensionSearchResultsDefaultConfig">            
   <value>100972</value>  <!-- product.category -->   
   <value>20001</value>   <!-- -->
   <value>100031</value>  <!-- product.features --> 

where the value attribute gives the ID of a dimension that can be searched by dimension searches. For information about how to obtain the IDs of dimensions, refer to the Oracle Commerce Guided Search MDEX Engine Developer's Guide.

The list of dimensions to search in dimensionSearchResultsDefaultConfig can be overridden by Experience Manager. For more information, refer to the Oracle Commerce Guided Search Workbench User's Guide.

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