Index attributes can be configured differently for different product data from different sources.

To prevent the configuration created for different sources from conflicting with each other, Oracle commerce treats the configuration created for each source as belonging to a particular owner. The organization of attributes under owners serves only to prevent conflicts among attributes configured for different sources; it has no effect on the content or behavior of the Storefront.

Oracle Commerce supports the following owners:

The attributes of all owners are merged when you run a Record Store Merger, according to the following rules:

The attributes created for a particular owner must include the parameter "ecr:type": "attributes-owner-folder". The particular owner is identified by the name of the node where the attribute is created.

The following JSON request body creates index attribute configuration for a particular owner; note that the JSON body itself does not specify the name of the owner:

  "ecr:type": "attributes-owner-folder",
		"camera.35_mm_camera_lens_equivalent": { 
    "propertyDataType": "ALPHA",
	  	"sourcePropertyNames": [
      "camera.35 mm camera lens equivalent"
    "ecr:type":	"property" 
  "camera.color": { 
    "isWildcardEnabledInRecordSearch": true,
   	"displayOrder": 4, 
    "sourcePropertyNames": [
      "camera.Colour of product"
	  	"isAutogen": true, 
    "isRecordSearchEnabled": true, 
    "ecr:type": "dimension" 
		"product.max_price": { 
    "derivedPropertySource": "product.price",
	  	"derivedPropertyFunction": "MAX",
    "ecr:type": "derived-property" 

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