Records are tagged with dimension values in either of two ways, depending on whether the dimension values belong to an automatically generated flat dimension or to a hierarchical dimension.

Flat dimensions are configured by JSON attributes that contain the parameters shown in the following example:

"camera_video_capability": {
  "ecr:type" : "dimension",
  "isAutogen" : true,
  "sourcePropertyNames" : ["camera.Video capability"]


Tagging is thus controlled by the last of the properties shown in the example above, sourcePropertyNames. The value or values of this parameter specify source record properties whose values will become dimension values in the flat dimension configured by this attribute (in this example, camera_video_capability).

When a dimension value is created based on a record property, that record is automatically tagged to the new dimension value. For example, if a source record has a property named camera.Video capability whose value is "slow", a dimension value named "slow" will be added to the dimension camera_video_capability, and the record will be tagged to this dimension value.

If no record has a value in any of the properties specified by sourcePropertyName, no dimension is generated.

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