The changePropertyNames property specifies a property or properties of Endeca records that are examined for changes when the records are loaded into this record store. If any of the specified properties have changed since the record was last loaded, the entire record will be included in the next partial update. Otherwise, the record will be included only in baseline updates. For information about partial and baseline updates, see Running a record store merger.

For example, the following lines in a data-recordstore-config.xml file specify that Endeca records be included in partial updates only if the values of their product.quantitySold and/or product.description property has changed since the records were last loaded into this record store:


If product.quantitySold was not specified as a changePropertyName value, changes to the value of product.quantitySold since the record was last loaded would not cause the record to be included in the next partial update. Instead, the record would be included only in the next baseline update.

For detailed information about the other configuration properties of record stores, refer to the Oracle Commerce Guided Search Content Acquisition System Developer's Guide.

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