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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.7.0

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Updated: July 2017

SMB Microsoft Stand-alone DFS Namespace Management Tools Support Matrix

The following table lists operations (subcommands/options) of the Microsoft DFS tools on various Windows operating system versions. It identifies which of these are supported by the DFS service on the appliance for managing a standalone DFS namespace on the appliance.

  • y - supported

  • n - not supported

  • NA - not applicable

Microsoft Windows systems         XP|2003|2003|Vista|2008|2008|Win7|
                                    |    |  R2|     |    |  R2|    |
                                 SP3| SP2| SP2|  SP2| SP2| SP1| SP1|
                                    |    |    |     |    |    |    |
dfscmd CLI:                         |    |    |     |    |    |    |
                                    |    |    |     |    |    |    |
/map [comment] [/restore]          y|   y|   y|    y|   y|   y|   y|
/unmap                             y|   y|   y|    y|   y|   y|   y|
/add [/restore]                    y|   y|   y|    y|   y|   y|   y|
/remove                            y|   y|   y|    y|   y|   y|   y|
/view [/partial | /full]           y|   y|   y|    y|   y|   y|   y|
                                    |    |    |     |    |    |    |
                                    |    |    |     |    |    |    |
dfsutil CLI (old format):           |    |    |     |    |    |    |
                                    |    |    |     |    |    |    |
/addstdroot [/comment]             y|   y|   y|    n|   n|   y|   y|
/remstdroot                        y|   y|   y|    n|   n|   y|   y|
/root:<DfsName> /view              n|   n|   n|    y|   y|   y|   y|
/addlink [/comment]               NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
/removelink                       NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
/state /display                   NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
/state /enable                    NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
/state /disable                   NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
/ttl /display                     NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
/ttl /set                         NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
/server:<MachineName> /view        y|   y|   y|    y|   y|   y|   y|
                                    |    |    |     |    |    |    |
                                    |    |    |     |    |    |    |
dfsutil CLI (new format):           |    |    |     |    |    |    |
                                    |    |    |     |    |    |    |
root addstd [comment]             NA|  NA|  NA|    n|   n|   y|   y|
root remove                       NA|  NA|  NA|    n|   n|   y|   y|
root (view namespace)             NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
link add [comment]                NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
link remove                       NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
link (view)                       NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
target add                        NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
target remove                     NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
target (view)                     NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
property comment (view)           NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
property comment set              NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
property ttl (view)               NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
property ttl set                  NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
property state (view)             NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
property state offline            NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
property state online             NA|  NA|  NA|    y|   y|   y|   y|
                                    |    |    |     |    |    |    |
                                    |    |    |     |    |    |    |
DFS GUI:                            |    |    |     |    |    |    |
                                    |    |    |     |    |    |    |
add standalone root                y|   y|   y|    n|   n|   n|   n|
remove standalone root             y|   y|   y|    n|   n|   n|   n|
change root comment                y|   y|   y|    n|   n|   n|   n|
change root timeout                y|   y|   y|    n|   n|   n|   n|
add link                           y|   y|   y|    n|   n|   n|   n|
remove link                        y|   y|   y|    n|   n|   n|   n|
change link comment                y|   y|   y|    n|   n|   n|   n|
change link timeout                y|   y|   y|    n|   n|   n|   n|
add link's target                  y|   y|   y|    n|   n|   n|   n|
remove link's target               y|   y|   y|    n|   n|   n|   n|
enable link's referral (target)    y|   y|   y|    n|   n|   n|   n|
disable link's referral (target)   y|   y|   y|    n|   n|   n|   n|
hide root                          y|   y|   y|    y|   y|   y|   y|
show root                          y|   y|   y|    y|   y|   y|   y|
display links                      y|   y|   y|    n|   n|   n|   n|
display targets                    y|   y|   y|    n|   n|   n|   n|
                                    |    |  R2|     |    |  R2|    |
                                 SP3| SP2| SP2|  SP2| SP2| SP1| SP1|

Note that:

  • Oracle Solaris does not verify the DFS link target.

  • CLI commands for modifying and viewing comment and timeout (TTL) are applicable to both root and link.

  • CLI commands for viewing state are applicable to root, root's target, link, and link's target.

  • CLI commands for modifying state are only applicable for link and link's target.