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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.7.0

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Updated: July 2017

Configuring SFTP for Remote Access (CLI)

  1. Create a local user or network user (LDAP or NIS) with an appropriate administrator role. (See Configuring Users).
  2. Generate an SSH authentication key by entering the command ssh-keygen -t dsa on the Oracle Solaris host/client.
  3. Enter a file name in which to store the key.
  4. Enter a passphase if required, or leave this field blank to log on directly to the SFTP share.

    The location is displayed for the key. The key looks similar to the following:

    ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAPMMs5h8UWk1NPf/VJDDEo0OAwT+s6iZxkCmmrgAmLfTX9izWk+ bsvNldOlXN/6EgkusLjo/+UaEt5+704vMHClRaq3AlVHLS5tVjeX3iCs+fDo0qwXZg3Brh8QBAaWk3 ywr2osuII1tHh4v/HwEAHZq5mVWXav0pO3bgmxl0/+VAAAAFQDIJxnm52DfyEdQQMTY+jRVvzGwMQA AAIAhTP6Ey+2gGFiCKkvUofsco4d8pbqH8duE9P6Y88s0+opuj52GkAdRUt2fRrdM9Cf3h4lIOc8Bw9 bZIBzrCKBNWBUdZG56tsfLdilW6vS6gxKrmL2v7fSp9WYPsxZGhOLfU29zW4n2WVcVHbGyFEoVe+taq aq+AYJaWoHnjZL1/LpQAAAIAOLc8+uc3hDOcK3pAkYdg8b2rYIGOAZU4py0rq24DGPeVHd5h5jbe4p WDM70uYqGCOPYiOKeEoMNJpczRX5qjI+BfoUY4sH24WWwsKkT8XX9PUAa0WT+7axEqg2N6YelaTJ95J vMaj6E7HkAIra2Sj2H/LSDktL42UL+j1Wx5A== username sunray

  5. Go to Configuration > Services > SFTP. Under Keys, click the plus (+) sign.
  6. In the New Key window, select DSA.
  7. Copy only the key portion (beginning with AAAA and ending with Wx5A== in the example above) and paste into the Key field.

    Note -  The key should not contain any white spaces.
  8. Enter the user name and add a comment as a reminder.
  9. Go to Shares > Shares and click the add item icon image:Add item image to create a filesystem.
  10. In the Create Filesystem window, enter the filesystem name (for example, sftp), change the permissions to Read/ Write for the share, and click APPLY.
  11. Click the edit icon image:Edit icon image to set up the share properties. (See Filesystem Properties.)
  12. To access the share, use the sftp command as shown in these examples:
    sftp -o "port=218" <username> 10.x.x.151:/export/sftp
    Connecting to 10.x.xx.151...
    Changing to: /export/sftp

    Example with -v option:

    sftp -v -o "IdentityFile=/home/<username>/.ssh/id_dsa" -o "port=218"
    root 10.x.xx.151:/export/sftp

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