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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.7.0

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Updated: July 2017

Adding an Administrator or User (CLI)

Use the following procedure to create a user with or without the administrator roles. For a description of user types, see Understanding Users and Roles.

  1. Go to configuration users.
    hostname:> configuration users
  2. Type one of the following user types followed by a name.

    directory- for a Directory user (NIS, LDAP).

    local- for a Local user.

    data- for a Data-only user.

    nologin- for a no-login user.

  3. Type get to list the required properties that need to be set.
    hostname:configuration users john (uncommitted)> get
                           logname = john
                               uid = (unset)
                          fullname = (unset)
                  initial_password = (unset)
                require_annotation = false
  4. Type set and the property you want to set, and then type commit.
    hostname:configuration users john (uncommitted)> set initial_password=password
                  initial_password = ******** (uncommitted)
    hostname:configuration users john (uncommitted)> commit

    At this point you have a created user, but haven't customized all their properties yet.

  5. (Optional) To add roles for Local or Directory users, type selectand a username.
  6. (Optional) Type show to see the full list of preferences.

    You can now add roles and authorization exceptions for the user.

Example 2  Creating a Local User
hostname:configuration users > local john
hostname:configuration users john (uncommitted) > get
                       logname = john
                           uid = (unset)
                      fullname = (unset)
              initial_password = (unset)
            require_annotation = false
hostname:configuration users john (uncommitted) > set initial_password=password
              initial_password = ******** (uncommitted)
hostname:configuration users john (uncommitted) > commit
hostname:configuration users > select john
hostname:configuration users john > show
                       logname = john
                          type = local
                           uid = 
                      fullname = 
              initial_password = *************
            require_annotation = false
                         roles = 
                    kiosk_mode = false
                  kiosk_screen = status/dashboard

                       exceptions => Configure this user's exceptions
                      preferences => Configure user preferences

hostname:configuration users john > set roles=
basic       basic2      test_role1  test_role2
hostname:configuration users john > set roles=basic
                         roles = basic (uncommitted)
hostname:configuration users john > commit
hostname:configuration users > select john
hostname:configuration users john > show
                       logname = john
                          type = local
                           uid = 
                      fullname = 
              initial_password = *************
            require_annotation = false
                         roles = basic
                    kiosk_mode = false
                  kiosk_screen = status/dashboard

                       exceptions => Configure this user's exceptions
                      preferences => Configure user preferences

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