Configuration Fields for Non-Cartonized ASN

To configure the non-cartonized receiving for batch, expiry and inventory attribute prompt controls:
  1. Go to IbShipmentTypeView screen and Create button.
  2. Enter the shipment details and populate the desired prompt control:
    • Non-Cartonized receiving batch & expiry prompt control: Blank (Default behavior)/ Prompt, if not known/Always prompt.
    • Non-Cartonized receiving attribute prompt control: Blank (Default behavior)/ Prompt, if not known/Always prompt.
      Note: If the fiels is set to Blank, the system honors the item level configuration.

      Configuration Fields for Non-Cartonized ASN

  3. Click Save.
    Note: When Non-Cartonized Receiving for Batch number & Expiry Number /Attribute prompt control is set to Prompt, if known or Always prompt, the system does not honor any of the item property configurations for batch/expiry dates/ inventory attribute.

Example: Prompt for batch/expiry date for single SKU for non-cartonized shipment at Item level configuration

Let’s say, you have the following ASN to be received:

Prompt for batch/expiry date for single SKU for non-cartonized

When Non-Cartonized receiving batch/expiry date prompt control = Prompt, if not know:

Prompt for batch/expiry date for single SKU for non-cartonized

When Non-Cartonized receiving batch/expiry date prompt control= Always prompt

Prompt for batch/expiry date for single SKU for non-cartonized

Note: On scanning an existing batch with batch master populated with an expiry date, the system will not prompt for Expiry date even if the expiry date prompt control is set to Always Prompt (either at item level or shipment type).
Non-Cartonized Receiving for Serial number prompt control
  1. Go to Item UI > Details. Click Edit.
  2. Enable the “required serial number” drop-down at item’s level configuration with values:

Non-Cartonized Receiving for Serial number prompt

Example: Receive Multiple Inventory attribute /Batch/expiry/inventory attribute for the same SKU in a Single IBLPN for non-cartonized shipment

To allow multiple inventory attribute, you need to enable the screen parameter "mult-attr-per-sku-in-lpn" in the Recv {lpn} Shipment/Recv {lpn} Load module for the batch number/ expiry date that allows receiving inventories with different batch/expiry of the same SKU in a single/multiple IBLPN.

The system honors prompt configuration for batch/expiry/inventory attribute defined either at the item level or at the non-cartonized ASN type UI in conjunction with the "mult-attr-per-sku-in-lpn" field.
Note: This behavior is honored only if the respective items are batch tracked or expiry tracked or both or inventory attribute tracked.

Receive Multiple Batch/expiry/inventory attribute for the same SKU

  1. Go to Module > Recv {lpn} Shipment/ Recv {lpn} Load
  2. Select mult-attr-per-sku-in-lpn and Click Edit.
  3. Choose the parameter from the drop-down menu:
    1. mult-attr-per-sku-in-lpn = Yes : Allows multiple Batch/Expiry/expiry/inventory attribute of the same SKU into a single/multiple IBLPN.
    2. mult-attr-per-sku-in-lpn = No: Does not allow multiple Batch/Expiry into a single IBLPN (existing behavior) or during upfront palletization.
  4. Click Save.

Let’s say you have the following ASN configured:

Receive Multiple batch/expiry/inventory attribute for the same SKU

The system scans through the SKU 1 (attribute, batch and expiry) and without ending the LPN, the system loops through remaining SKUs with the same hierarchy.

Receive Multiple Inventory

Upon scanning all the SKUs in the LPN and performing CTRL+E, the system receives the SKUS and updates the shipments details in the following manner: Receive Multiple batch/expiry/inventory attribute for the same SKUReceive Multiple batch/expiry/inventory attribute for the same SKU