Item Level Configuration

An item level configuration provides you with an option for prompting the batch/expiry prompt, even if the batch/expiry is present on the shipment detail. You can also override the batch number/ expiry date during receiving, if shipment detail is defined with batch number & expiry date based on the prompt behavior.

You can define the Item level configuration provided via Item Details UI and Item Interface Input File.

Item level configuration

The batch/expiry prompt during receiving configuration is supported via RF Receive lpn Shipment (rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnshpmt) & RF Receive lpn load (rf.inbound.cwrfrecvlpnload) screen.

Note: By default, the "Batch prompt for recv " and "Expiry prompt for recv " fields are set to “Prompt, if not known” value for all the existing and new items. These configurations are applicable only for batch/expiry tracked items. For all the non-batch/expiry tracked items, these fields are disabled.